October 2, 2008

What To Do About My Little Brother....

Ever since E's dad knew about the incident, he began to step in to discipline E... In term of discipline, well, it was actually some trade-off of conditions; he settled the payment to the ah long and bought E a new hp with the conditions that E has to be home by 6pm on weekdays and no going out on weekends..

E obeyed the conditions, but that was not for too long.. for only about 1 - 2 weeks, the nonsense started again...

On the other hand, E's dad went to meet the MP and told me about the ah long matter as he was annoyed with the people at the lion troupe who made use of young teens, loaned them $ and made the parents pay their debts, which were calculated just the same as the ah longs... In actual fact, the ah long was the friend of the members of the troupe...and that was how E got to know the ah long. He was not a member of the troupe. But E's dad went to tell the MP that he was the member of the troupe, and the members i think got questioned... and started to look for trouble with E...

Just over the past 1 or 2 weeks, there were a few nonsense from E...

On Sat, he sneaked out of his home early without telling his parents... around 11.30 pm, he called me, wanting to come over my house to use my microsoft word in my laptop to type a resume (for his homework). At 12 pm plus, his dad and mum came home, didn't see him around... when they called him, he told them that he was on his way to my house... Eventually, he had sneaked out in the morning to meet his gf....then came over to my house to complete his homework...

On the night, around 8pm, he smsed me:

E : Sis, i need to pass eileen her sis atm card but i dunno how to tell my dad later he will ask why ppl atm card with me.

(i asked how come her sis atm card on his table)

E : Cox i dunno she put on my com table ytd then she today ask me check then i found it.

(i asked him to tell her come and collect)

E: Ok then, i ask her if cannot jialat le lo.

E : She can't come over.

(i told him that dad don't allow him to go out, and moreoever, it's Eileen's fault, ask her come and collect. If he still insist to go out, then go and ask his dad)

E: ya lo, must ask dad again. Haix.

E : But her sis need to use leh. Jialat.

So in the end, i dunno how the matter ended... but i guessed he would have sneaked out...

Another incident was 2 days ago, Tuesday. I received the following smses:

6.02 pm : Help me call my dad i now at cantonment make police statement so will be late home they will send me home after that and tell him the police will call him tell him I at there.

(i asked him to give a call to his dad and demanded to speak with the officer)

6.04 pm : Busy, can't later then can. Cox I need to tell him the whole incident and wad happen after that. He say later.

(i asked for the police officer's name)

6.10 pm : DSP Leong

(Between 6.20 pm to 6.45 pm, as she was nearby a neighbour police station/post, she went in to help me check on the name of the police office through the intranet, but there was no such person in the CID dept in Cantonment. She called the Cantonment, to confirm the name again, there was really no such person. Moreover, there was confirmation that all the investigators would have already knocked off by then and it is not the liability of police officers to send the members of public (i.e. E) to home...No such thing.... So i smsed E to ask him where and which floor he was, cos' Amy was at the Cantonment lobby then, waiting to see him... but he did not reply... Called him also no answer... Then i sent another message, to tell him that there was no such person with this name DSP/Leong, and have confirmed that all officers have knocked off from work already... what is he still doing there?)

7.26 pm : Ya, i know all officer knock off at 5 pm.

(I asked then why was he still there?)

7.30 pm : important to tell them about the troupe's matter cos' all coming to find me.

(i asked him where he is now?)

7.32 pm : near Cantonment lo. i show you the report next time.

(i asked but there was no such person called DSP Leong. Who was he with then?)

7.49 pm : I dunno the full name. I only know the tag there.

9.04 pm : He will call you later.

(i replied that i don't want to talk to the officer. Asked him to call E's dad instead)

9.31 : Ok, ok

9.32 : I got give him your number leh.

12.56 am : Sis, actually i go down find police awhile then i go troupe settle the loan shark thing if not i dunno wad they will do to me and my family i dun wan your worry so i didn't dare to tell you and mum.

1.00 am : Just because of dad say the troupe do ah long i almost kana beat by them for anyhow saying the troupe.

(I was shocked that at that hour, he was still outside, so asked him where he was)

1.03 am : On the way home. I go down settle because I don't want mum and dad or aunt leave home being beaten or stab by ppl for no reason.

1.04 am : They old le... cannot leave them to clear things for me.

1.05 am : Hope you explain to my parents about it.

(I replied that i am not going to tell his parents, asked him do it himself)

1.10 am : K, but tell them they don't believe how?

(I told him i got very disappointed with him for making use of me to bluff his parents... and moreover, already checked that there was no such person called DSP/Leong... and he still insisted to lie on it)

1.24 am : Ok, The officer that investigate is Mr Alan Goh.

(i replied him that I would be going over to his house at 10 am, asked him to leave the police report at home, i want to see)

On Sunday, I arrived at his house at 8 pm.

Stayed there for about half an hour... his mum kept shouting and calling him to come out from his room, he only responded 'orh, orh'... but never come out.

When i walked to the main door, bade farewell to my aunt and uncle, my aunt suggested if i would like to go to E's room to meet his gf... My goodness me....he never come out so i must go and meet him and his gf... I was fuming... told straight at my aunt's face, that, 'Look, your son knows that I am here, you have been calling him so many times... he knows why I am here... and still don't come out... there is no respect for me... I am disappointed with him' . Then I left.

That's it... What can i do now to him? Should i still care about him?

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