October 6, 2008

Farrer Gathering with Mrs Chia

It has been a long-awaiting reunion of our Farrer friends, together with our form teacher, Mrs Chia. The scheduling of this reunion began in mid-Sept, and finally, on 3 Oct, we met up!

A lot of Farrer friends were amazed on how I got in touch with Mrs Chia. Well well... credit goes to my effort in keeping all those so-called 'junks' which I've kept with me for the past 20 years... i kept the primary school newsletter, graduation party name list, photos and autograph books..

During the 2nd gathering on 6 Sept, i brought out my autograph books and did tried calling up Mrs Chia's phone number. But unfortunately, the number has been recycled and taken up by another person.

So, what we did was to appoint James to go and knock on Mrs Chia's house. I was quite sure then that Mrs Chia is still residing at that address because i saw her name appearing as one of the owners in an en-bloc property last year. And till now, the en-bloc issue still not settled yet, hence, there gave a high chance that Mrs Chia is still residing there.

James paid his visit on 9 Sept (if i remember correctly), but to no avail. There was no one answering the door and the neighbour was very hostile... so he could not confirm if Mrs Chia is still there. So, he thought he was so intelligent to leave his namecard at the door.

Two days had passed, but there was no reply from Mrs Chia. So, on Thursday night, we decided that James should pay another visit to Mrs Chia. This time, we would write a letter, to be dropped into the letterbox, if there were no one answering the door.

So on Friday, James wrote this:

Dear Mrs Mary Chia Gek Cher

It has been 20 years since we have last met, let me introduce myself. I am James Tan formerly in your class of 6.1 in Farrer Primary School 1988 and yes I have the same name as your son only the surname is different.

I was actually arrowed to come here by our classmate Wang Limei to drop this note as recently there was a mini gathering of Farrer Primary School mates and we all decided to find you as you were in fact our favorite teacher. To tell you the truth I lost the lom chiam pass game and had to come wahahahaha.

Attached are some pictures of how we turned out and if you want to see more there is a group called Farrer Primary School 1983-1988 in Facebook itself. It has some of our grown up pictures. I turned out for the better but guess I can’t say the same for the rest. =p some grew shorter some grew fatter some grew more ah lian some grew ah beng and some didn’t even grow at all. I am so dead if they see this letter.

Anyway, Mrs Chia we would all love to meet up with you one of these days to catch up. Please do contact Limei after you see this at 96691182 and she will arrange for everything as she is our coordinator

Look forward to seeing you soon Mrs Chia. Miss ya and luv ya lots.

Yours Sincerely
Your students of Farrer Primary School.

PS: I accidentally finished the mooncakes that I have brought along with me so I have to owe u one box first .

And if can hor grade this letter.

Interesting right?

On that day, around 9 pm plus, Mrs Chia called me! And we chatted for almost an hour, and she still sounded the same, full of energy. Wow sai, 62 years old, still so power! When i asked if she has received the namecard which James left at her door, I got the answer which I expected.. She has put it aside (cannot be sure if it has been thrown already or not), and kept wondering how come salesman could enter private condos to distribute namecards... hahaha... blamed it on James who did not even bother to write anything on the namecard and assumed that Mrs Chia will remember him...

And the story went on with me starting to fix a date which Mrs Chia could make it, send emails, getting responses, check out suitable venue(s)...

In actual fact, the response was only about 7 to 8 members, but never did I expect when on that day itself, 3 more turned up... making it a total of 11.

The night was fun.. everyone was shocked to see that Mrs Chia was still in good position, just the same as how she looked 20 years ago...

Photos of the gathering:

At 11 pm, we parted with Mrs Chia and some of the friends, left about 9 of us, going for our 2nd round at Harry's Pub. It has been donkey years since i last clubbed... and also my first clubbing in Holland Village.

We drank and sat till 2 am, and because we hadn't had enough, 7 of us went for our 3rd round at the Adam Road Hawker Centre. Actually we wanted to look for one of our Farrer friends there, who opened a famous dessert stall, but unfortunately, his stall was closed on that day.. so one of the guys initiated and bought some bottles of the Tiger beers... and the drinking and eating session continued until about 3 am.

The night has been very fulfilling, and I felt a sense of achievements for being credited in getting back our old friends... despite the 20 years of separation, the Farrer spirit was still there... and we had so many school-talks to share.... It was really fun!

And today this morning, Rappa was already in the mood of searching for a chalet in November, to get everyone to drink and eat for days and nights...

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