October 13, 2008

Updates for the Week (8 - 12 Oct)

As Mil was away to 珠海 with Andy and family since last Wednesday, hence I had to apply morning leaves over the past few days, to look after GK, cook lunch and send them to school. Actually I enjoyed those days spent as I could laze and get out of bed around 10 plus or 11. It was really the kinda of good feeling having to sleep until 自然醒...and not having need to wake up so early and dread my feet to work...I didn't mean that I don't like to come to work, but it's just that I wished that I could get to sleep until song song, then wake up and get to work at whatever time I like... but don't think i'll ever get to realize this dream until one day I become my own boss... hahaha!

As I am a liberal person, hence, cooking meals for my sons was an easy task... Just have to ask what they want fo their lunch/dinner, they will tell you... and it seemed that the mother-and-sons have got this mutual understanding... they would not make things difficult for me....

So the menus for the few days went like that :

Wed lunch - Wanton soup with White Rice (the wanton were pre-prepared by MIL on Tues)
Wed dinner - Golden Fried Rice
Thurs lunch - Fried Rice with Pork Floss
Thurs dinner - Fried Rice wrapped in Egg Bag (蛋包饭)
Fri lunch - Fish Soup, French Fries and Rice
Fri dinner - Fried Rice with Silver Fish
Sat lunch - Steamed Meat Egg, French Fries and Rice
Sat dinner - Dining out at Sakae Sushi (Novena Square 2)

Square 2 has a quite a great number of restaurants, fast-food chains and most importantly, it is where I get to feel very-Korean... cos' of the Solmart and even in the Poh Kim Video shop, the posters of those K-dramas were very prominently displayed. There were also a few K-boutiques selling Korean fashions. We passed by a Korean dessert/snacks stall, and found a typical Korean food which I had wanted to try - 辣炒年糕. The dish looked good, but GK were pestering us to go for Sakae Sushi... haiz, didn't try out this dish on this visit... Well, there will be a next time, to bring my MIL to try out this food... cos' we are both crazed with K-dramas...

At around 7.30 pm, we arrived at the Budget Terminal to fetch MIL Oh my goodness, the exterior Budget Terminal was just a very simple-looking airport but I still feel eager to find out how the interior looks like...
And well well, the airport arrival hall really tagged well with its name 'Budget'... Only can see a few rows of chairs, a money changer counter, limousine service counter, some 5 public phones and 3 vending machines...that's all....

The pic showed my MIL coming out of the glass door together with Carol and Cheryll..
And here are the new 'toys' bought and brought back from China... Mine is the black and my hubby owns the silver, costing about S$120 each.

We spent the Sat night and whole of Sunday to get the phones set up and try out their functions...The phones comes with Bluetooth, FM Radio, MP4, Video-Recording, 3.0 Megal Pixel Camera, Handwriting function, etc. One plus point about the phone - Can watch TV channels....and the reception tried out at home and outdoor was good and clear. Especially in Sungei Tengah, where I was doing my vegetables marketing there, we could receive some M'sia channels also...

So, time for my two-and-a-half year-old N73 to sit back and take a rest, and wait for upgrading in at least 12 more months' time....

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