October 30, 2008



我6点钟抵达Railmall, 等不到5分钟,他出现了!15年后的重逢,感觉是有点欢喜加上一点甜蜜,因为他曾是一个让我到现在都难以忘怀的旧情人。




1)他已经结婚5年了。 太太今年30岁,在一间旅行社任职;
2)他并没有把丽萍(my junior)追到手; 她反而嫁给了他的朋友(senior);
4)他相信如果我们没那么快分手的话,至少还可以在一块儿到他的Poly生涯。因为他修读Nautical 的两三年里,必许航海,去一趟就得花上整半年在海上,所以相信我们也会因为少见面而疏远。。。
5)我让他知道了当时和他分手的原因。 他轻松的笑过。。。


大约9点15分,我们的校花到了。看她骑着她那辆白色的Anna Sui Scooter, 好有气质喔!真难以想象这么斯文的一个女生,又是新航的空姐,竟然爱骑摩多车。当她透露如果下个星期有空挡赴我们的BBQ之约,她会骑另一辆 - Harley Davidson去。我的妈呀!她现在是我们男生中的偶像兼人气王了, 佩服!


总结昨晚的6小时里头,我感觉已经经历了两种截然不同的情感分势和心情起伏。。。。 一抵达家里,马上冲了个热水澡后就倒头睡着去了。简直是太精疲力竭了。。。。

October 28, 2008

值得期待的 School Holidays!

这一整个星期来,随着考试的结束,感觉自己的心情也放松了。 不管孩子考试成绩考得如何的‘烂’, 接下来的假期也是应该好好地享受一番的!

这几个星期下来也安排了和朋友们相聚的时刻。 从两天前和好友们聚在一块儿搓麻将, 到明天约了阿鹏吃晚餐, 还有再见见久违了的几个小学同学,顺便讨论下个星期Farrer Chalet该准备的BBQ食物,就足以让我兴奋到了几点!

还有自late Sept完成了Level 2 的直排轮课程,也因为孩子要备考,而暂停了一个月。下个星期四就即将Resume了。时间过得真快,足足休息在客厅的一个角落整个月的SkateShoes, 又要开工了。。。

再过两个星期,学校的年终假期也就要开始了,或许已KIV两年多的Batam郊游计划也该在这两个月内落实了。 因为曾经答应过在那儿工作的二叔说要去那儿玩,让他有机会敬‘地主之谊’带我们到处逛逛和吃当地的海鲜大餐, 可是说要去, 都没去, 所以每当在有家庭和亲戚聚会上碰到二叔时, 总被他问起这件事, 都挺难为情的。 所以,前几天,家婆特地嘱咐一定要趁这次的假期去Batam, 不要再放二叔鸽子了。。。



October 23, 2008

Exam Fever Over!

Starting early Sept, GK have cut down on watching TV programs and started their revision for the exam. In early Oct, they have been spending about 2 hours daily in the nights, after dinner, doing their school homework, assessment books and those branded-schools' past years exam papers. There was not much of complaints from them as they realised the importance of the year-end examination. They have seen with their own eyes of the poor results and bandings that were presented in their report books from the previous semester's exams, and how awkward the situation was when their classmates' parents and our relatives started asking about their results. This time round, they told me they wanted to achieve better results.

Dad and Mother-in-law have been worried about their exams, they kept mentioning their worries, and nagged at GK.

So far, they have already sat for 2 papers; the English and Maths. Today will be the Mother Tongue paper.

Yesterday evening, Dad was asking me again, worriedly, whether GK will pass this exam or not. I told him I really don't know mann... it's really dependent on themselves, whether they could read, understand and be more careful with their answers.

As it was still early in the evening before the dismissal of school, Dad accompanied me to fetch GK. The form teacher mentioned that she has already completed the marking of the English and Maths papers, but refused to reveal anything about the results. Dad got worried again...

Well, today is the Mother Tongue paper... This is the paper which I doubt GK will do well. Basically, they show no interest for this subject at all; the words that they could read and write are really limited....However, I seriously reminded and 'warned' them last night that they still need to make an effort to pass this paper. As a Chinese, they have to know their own Mother Tongue well, and no excuse for them to fail this subject. They obliged and promised they will try their best.

Today when I woke up, I felt slightly more relaxed, cos' from this evening onwards, I don't have to bark at GK for their school work or assessment books anymore... It's time for them to take a good break also, to watch their favourite cartoon programmes - Ben 10 and Naruto.

Whether or not, I leave the results to fate...and on next Thurs (30 Oct), I will be going to their school to view their exam papers and see the results that they have obtained.... In fact, sounds like it's more to see my own results; the results of how much my efforts have paid off...

Cross my fingers! And bless me!

October 20, 2008

GK's First Visit to a Hari Raya Open House - 18 Oct 2008

Thanks to GK's form teacher for giving the opportunity to GK and their classmates to experience a Hari Raya Open House...

GK together with two of their classmates at the void deck of their form teacher's block

This is Areo, the form teacher's son, now about 17 months.

Almost half of the classmates came, this is a picture of the early-birds...

Souvenirs given out by the form teacher; a packet of cereal plus a $2 ang pow money

Home sweet home....

More photos :


October 13, 2008

Updates for the Week (8 - 12 Oct)

As Mil was away to 珠海 with Andy and family since last Wednesday, hence I had to apply morning leaves over the past few days, to look after GK, cook lunch and send them to school. Actually I enjoyed those days spent as I could laze and get out of bed around 10 plus or 11. It was really the kinda of good feeling having to sleep until 自然醒...and not having need to wake up so early and dread my feet to work...I didn't mean that I don't like to come to work, but it's just that I wished that I could get to sleep until song song, then wake up and get to work at whatever time I like... but don't think i'll ever get to realize this dream until one day I become my own boss... hahaha!

As I am a liberal person, hence, cooking meals for my sons was an easy task... Just have to ask what they want fo their lunch/dinner, they will tell you... and it seemed that the mother-and-sons have got this mutual understanding... they would not make things difficult for me....

So the menus for the few days went like that :

Wed lunch - Wanton soup with White Rice (the wanton were pre-prepared by MIL on Tues)
Wed dinner - Golden Fried Rice
Thurs lunch - Fried Rice with Pork Floss
Thurs dinner - Fried Rice wrapped in Egg Bag (蛋包饭)
Fri lunch - Fish Soup, French Fries and Rice
Fri dinner - Fried Rice with Silver Fish
Sat lunch - Steamed Meat Egg, French Fries and Rice
Sat dinner - Dining out at Sakae Sushi (Novena Square 2)

Square 2 has a quite a great number of restaurants, fast-food chains and most importantly, it is where I get to feel very-Korean... cos' of the Solmart and even in the Poh Kim Video shop, the posters of those K-dramas were very prominently displayed. There were also a few K-boutiques selling Korean fashions. We passed by a Korean dessert/snacks stall, and found a typical Korean food which I had wanted to try - 辣炒年糕. The dish looked good, but GK were pestering us to go for Sakae Sushi... haiz, didn't try out this dish on this visit... Well, there will be a next time, to bring my MIL to try out this food... cos' we are both crazed with K-dramas...

At around 7.30 pm, we arrived at the Budget Terminal to fetch MIL Oh my goodness, the exterior Budget Terminal was just a very simple-looking airport but I still feel eager to find out how the interior looks like...
And well well, the airport arrival hall really tagged well with its name 'Budget'... Only can see a few rows of chairs, a money changer counter, limousine service counter, some 5 public phones and 3 vending machines...that's all....

The pic showed my MIL coming out of the glass door together with Carol and Cheryll..
And here are the new 'toys' bought and brought back from China... Mine is the black and my hubby owns the silver, costing about S$120 each.

We spent the Sat night and whole of Sunday to get the phones set up and try out their functions...The phones comes with Bluetooth, FM Radio, MP4, Video-Recording, 3.0 Megal Pixel Camera, Handwriting function, etc. One plus point about the phone - Can watch TV channels....and the reception tried out at home and outdoor was good and clear. Especially in Sungei Tengah, where I was doing my vegetables marketing there, we could receive some M'sia channels also...

So, time for my two-and-a-half year-old N73 to sit back and take a rest, and wait for upgrading in at least 12 more months' time....

October 6, 2008

Dinner on 5 Oct 08

Last night had a dinner at the French Road, Seafood Fish-head steamboat...

Have heard the recommendation over the radio station, hence expected the restaurant would be crowded, so I called up make reservation.

But when i reached there, was shocked that there were no crowd at all.. and it was a coffeeshop setting... Din really like the environment, because it was within a housing estate, so got people walking here and there, got elderlys sat at the concourse there, watching us eating, and we even witnessed an elderly coughing and the long and sticky phlegm coming out of her mouth and slowly drooled and dropped onto the floor... urghhhh....

Then just beside our table, was a group of youngsters, gangsterly-looking, with tatoos and talking vulgarity...

One elderly uncle was next to us also, occupying a non-smoking table, but he was puffing his cigarette, almost made me out of breath...

As for the food, we ordered fish-head steamboat, balacan sweet poatoes leaves, furong egg, pai gu wang, and hei-zhou... The quality of the food was so-so only... I still prefer the fish-head steamboat and hei-zhou from the Upper Serangoon road there, Tian Wai Tian.

What shocked us most was when the bill came, the total amount was $72 plus...

Wow, that was pretty steep.....

Overall, we didn't enjoy the quality of food in this dining experience, but we did ate until very full....especially the two kids, they have to unbuckle their pants...

Still miss my Tian Wai Tian Fish-head steamboat... will go and eat next week, after MIL returns from her China trip...

Something to look forward to... hurray!

I am Okay, still Safe and Sound...

Came back from the drinking session, something happened..

Have to be careful next time....

Farrer Gathering with Mrs Chia

It has been a long-awaiting reunion of our Farrer friends, together with our form teacher, Mrs Chia. The scheduling of this reunion began in mid-Sept, and finally, on 3 Oct, we met up!

A lot of Farrer friends were amazed on how I got in touch with Mrs Chia. Well well... credit goes to my effort in keeping all those so-called 'junks' which I've kept with me for the past 20 years... i kept the primary school newsletter, graduation party name list, photos and autograph books..

During the 2nd gathering on 6 Sept, i brought out my autograph books and did tried calling up Mrs Chia's phone number. But unfortunately, the number has been recycled and taken up by another person.

So, what we did was to appoint James to go and knock on Mrs Chia's house. I was quite sure then that Mrs Chia is still residing at that address because i saw her name appearing as one of the owners in an en-bloc property last year. And till now, the en-bloc issue still not settled yet, hence, there gave a high chance that Mrs Chia is still residing there.

James paid his visit on 9 Sept (if i remember correctly), but to no avail. There was no one answering the door and the neighbour was very hostile... so he could not confirm if Mrs Chia is still there. So, he thought he was so intelligent to leave his namecard at the door.

Two days had passed, but there was no reply from Mrs Chia. So, on Thursday night, we decided that James should pay another visit to Mrs Chia. This time, we would write a letter, to be dropped into the letterbox, if there were no one answering the door.

So on Friday, James wrote this:

Dear Mrs Mary Chia Gek Cher

It has been 20 years since we have last met, let me introduce myself. I am James Tan formerly in your class of 6.1 in Farrer Primary School 1988 and yes I have the same name as your son only the surname is different.

I was actually arrowed to come here by our classmate Wang Limei to drop this note as recently there was a mini gathering of Farrer Primary School mates and we all decided to find you as you were in fact our favorite teacher. To tell you the truth I lost the lom chiam pass game and had to come wahahahaha.

Attached are some pictures of how we turned out and if you want to see more there is a group called Farrer Primary School 1983-1988 in Facebook itself. It has some of our grown up pictures. I turned out for the better but guess I can’t say the same for the rest. =p some grew shorter some grew fatter some grew more ah lian some grew ah beng and some didn’t even grow at all. I am so dead if they see this letter.

Anyway, Mrs Chia we would all love to meet up with you one of these days to catch up. Please do contact Limei after you see this at 96691182 and she will arrange for everything as she is our coordinator

Look forward to seeing you soon Mrs Chia. Miss ya and luv ya lots.

Yours Sincerely
Your students of Farrer Primary School.

PS: I accidentally finished the mooncakes that I have brought along with me so I have to owe u one box first .

And if can hor grade this letter.

Interesting right?

On that day, around 9 pm plus, Mrs Chia called me! And we chatted for almost an hour, and she still sounded the same, full of energy. Wow sai, 62 years old, still so power! When i asked if she has received the namecard which James left at her door, I got the answer which I expected.. She has put it aside (cannot be sure if it has been thrown already or not), and kept wondering how come salesman could enter private condos to distribute namecards... hahaha... blamed it on James who did not even bother to write anything on the namecard and assumed that Mrs Chia will remember him...

And the story went on with me starting to fix a date which Mrs Chia could make it, send emails, getting responses, check out suitable venue(s)...

In actual fact, the response was only about 7 to 8 members, but never did I expect when on that day itself, 3 more turned up... making it a total of 11.

The night was fun.. everyone was shocked to see that Mrs Chia was still in good position, just the same as how she looked 20 years ago...

Photos of the gathering:

At 11 pm, we parted with Mrs Chia and some of the friends, left about 9 of us, going for our 2nd round at Harry's Pub. It has been donkey years since i last clubbed... and also my first clubbing in Holland Village.

We drank and sat till 2 am, and because we hadn't had enough, 7 of us went for our 3rd round at the Adam Road Hawker Centre. Actually we wanted to look for one of our Farrer friends there, who opened a famous dessert stall, but unfortunately, his stall was closed on that day.. so one of the guys initiated and bought some bottles of the Tiger beers... and the drinking and eating session continued until about 3 am.

The night has been very fulfilling, and I felt a sense of achievements for being credited in getting back our old friends... despite the 20 years of separation, the Farrer spirit was still there... and we had so many school-talks to share.... It was really fun!

And today this morning, Rappa was already in the mood of searching for a chalet in November, to get everyone to drink and eat for days and nights...

October 2, 2008

What To Do About My Little Brother....

Ever since E's dad knew about the incident, he began to step in to discipline E... In term of discipline, well, it was actually some trade-off of conditions; he settled the payment to the ah long and bought E a new hp with the conditions that E has to be home by 6pm on weekdays and no going out on weekends..

E obeyed the conditions, but that was not for too long.. for only about 1 - 2 weeks, the nonsense started again...

On the other hand, E's dad went to meet the MP and told me about the ah long matter as he was annoyed with the people at the lion troupe who made use of young teens, loaned them $ and made the parents pay their debts, which were calculated just the same as the ah longs... In actual fact, the ah long was the friend of the members of the troupe...and that was how E got to know the ah long. He was not a member of the troupe. But E's dad went to tell the MP that he was the member of the troupe, and the members i think got questioned... and started to look for trouble with E...

Just over the past 1 or 2 weeks, there were a few nonsense from E...

On Sat, he sneaked out of his home early without telling his parents... around 11.30 pm, he called me, wanting to come over my house to use my microsoft word in my laptop to type a resume (for his homework). At 12 pm plus, his dad and mum came home, didn't see him around... when they called him, he told them that he was on his way to my house... Eventually, he had sneaked out in the morning to meet his gf....then came over to my house to complete his homework...

On the night, around 8pm, he smsed me:

E : Sis, i need to pass eileen her sis atm card but i dunno how to tell my dad later he will ask why ppl atm card with me.

(i asked how come her sis atm card on his table)

E : Cox i dunno she put on my com table ytd then she today ask me check then i found it.

(i asked him to tell her come and collect)

E: Ok then, i ask her if cannot jialat le lo.

E : She can't come over.

(i told him that dad don't allow him to go out, and moreoever, it's Eileen's fault, ask her come and collect. If he still insist to go out, then go and ask his dad)

E: ya lo, must ask dad again. Haix.

E : But her sis need to use leh. Jialat.

So in the end, i dunno how the matter ended... but i guessed he would have sneaked out...

Another incident was 2 days ago, Tuesday. I received the following smses:

6.02 pm : Help me call my dad i now at cantonment make police statement so will be late home they will send me home after that and tell him the police will call him tell him I at there.

(i asked him to give a call to his dad and demanded to speak with the officer)

6.04 pm : Busy, can't later then can. Cox I need to tell him the whole incident and wad happen after that. He say later.

(i asked for the police officer's name)

6.10 pm : DSP Leong

(Between 6.20 pm to 6.45 pm, as she was nearby a neighbour police station/post, she went in to help me check on the name of the police office through the intranet, but there was no such person in the CID dept in Cantonment. She called the Cantonment, to confirm the name again, there was really no such person. Moreover, there was confirmation that all the investigators would have already knocked off by then and it is not the liability of police officers to send the members of public (i.e. E) to home...No such thing.... So i smsed E to ask him where and which floor he was, cos' Amy was at the Cantonment lobby then, waiting to see him... but he did not reply... Called him also no answer... Then i sent another message, to tell him that there was no such person with this name DSP/Leong, and have confirmed that all officers have knocked off from work already... what is he still doing there?)

7.26 pm : Ya, i know all officer knock off at 5 pm.

(I asked then why was he still there?)

7.30 pm : important to tell them about the troupe's matter cos' all coming to find me.

(i asked him where he is now?)

7.32 pm : near Cantonment lo. i show you the report next time.

(i asked but there was no such person called DSP Leong. Who was he with then?)

7.49 pm : I dunno the full name. I only know the tag there.

9.04 pm : He will call you later.

(i replied that i don't want to talk to the officer. Asked him to call E's dad instead)

9.31 : Ok, ok

9.32 : I got give him your number leh.

12.56 am : Sis, actually i go down find police awhile then i go troupe settle the loan shark thing if not i dunno wad they will do to me and my family i dun wan your worry so i didn't dare to tell you and mum.

1.00 am : Just because of dad say the troupe do ah long i almost kana beat by them for anyhow saying the troupe.

(I was shocked that at that hour, he was still outside, so asked him where he was)

1.03 am : On the way home. I go down settle because I don't want mum and dad or aunt leave home being beaten or stab by ppl for no reason.

1.04 am : They old le... cannot leave them to clear things for me.

1.05 am : Hope you explain to my parents about it.

(I replied that i am not going to tell his parents, asked him do it himself)

1.10 am : K, but tell them they don't believe how?

(I told him i got very disappointed with him for making use of me to bluff his parents... and moreover, already checked that there was no such person called DSP/Leong... and he still insisted to lie on it)

1.24 am : Ok, The officer that investigate is Mr Alan Goh.

(i replied him that I would be going over to his house at 10 am, asked him to leave the police report at home, i want to see)

On Sunday, I arrived at his house at 8 pm.

Stayed there for about half an hour... his mum kept shouting and calling him to come out from his room, he only responded 'orh, orh'... but never come out.

When i walked to the main door, bade farewell to my aunt and uncle, my aunt suggested if i would like to go to E's room to meet his gf... My goodness me....he never come out so i must go and meet him and his gf... I was fuming... told straight at my aunt's face, that, 'Look, your son knows that I am here, you have been calling him so many times... he knows why I am here... and still don't come out... there is no respect for me... I am disappointed with him' . Then I left.

That's it... What can i do now to him? Should i still care about him?