May 14, 2008

You Disappoint Me Again!

On Monday, you smsed me:
'Sis, you at where? Got 60 cent lend me i now at jurong enter no money back to school.'

I told you to come over my office now, I passed the $ to you.
You replied, 'ok ok'.

I waited for some time, still no sight of you. I decided that I should top-up your EZ-link card for you, so told you to wait for me at the passenger service station.

I asked for your EZ-link card, top-up $5 for you. Oh ya, you left a balance of -$0.04 in your card. I returned the card to you, you didn't say anything.

Asked you where you heading to? You said got class at 2 pm, now going to hang around the vicinity. I said 'no', go to your school, take lunch and get ready for class.

But you replied, 'Mummy didn't give me any $'.

I handed you $3.

You walked down the escalator, said you gonna take bus 105 to school. Okay, good, at least you listened to my advice to go school eat lunch.

You smsed yesterday to giving me your teacher's hp no. Cos' you want me to find out from her myself why she called your dad said you didn't attend her class when you were just taking a 10-min toilet break and also to verify about the deposit for the Bangkok trip in Aug.

I called.

I learnt from your teacher that your school attendance is poor! You claimed you went to school, but you didn't attend her class, that's why she still have to mark you 'Absent'. How can she verify that you were in school when she didn't even see you? Why can't you just attend her class? For the late submission of the project, why can't you just worked your share with your team members? In the end, the team has to request to 'kick' you out of the group and made you do your own project and then you start to have problems; cannot finish, hand in late....
You must change your attitude, please....

Your mummy agreed to pay the $150 deposit to your teacher. I know you really want to go, cos' your gf is going also.

Yesterday, I called your mum. She told me you din return home until 4 am that's why she din give you any pocket $ on Monday. What happened? What have you been doing? I am annoyed also when your mum told me you have already purchased the bus-stamp for travelling, how could you tell me that you need 60 cents to travel to school? Also, she has just given you $ to top-up your EZ-link card for taking trains, but how come so fast you already used up the $?

It was about 10 pm last night. Mum said you went downstairs with your friends. You didn't pick up my call....

This morning, she called me and told me you only reached home again this morning 4 am.

I feel so upset for your behaviours, for all the wrong-doings, for all the lies that you have been telling me.... I felt cheated.....

You never want to give true explanations for all the things you have done, you only give lame and doubtful excuses....

I really pity your mum.....I feel sad........My heart breaks..........

For all you have done...............

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