May 20, 2008


Last Sat, you started smsing me telling me that you were on your way to work at Metro Lido. I checked the time, it was 9.45 am.

You asked me for $15 to pay for as deposit for the name tag and locker. I told you you that you should get from your mum but you mentioned that you told her liao, but she didn't give you. I remembered you had a sale of clothings (school project) at your school last Fri, so I expected you should have got back the profits from the sales, but you told me your group hasn't counted the $ and thus din get back your own share yet.

I don't feel like transferring this amt to you, cos' you should know jolly-well that whenever you need $ to do something, you always ask for it at the very last minute. That was what I was angry about. You never plan and take responsibility of whatever you do...

In the evening around 5 plus, your mum called me and asked me to transfer $20 to your account so that you can pay for your deposits. But I am confused... you told me $15 and yet you told your mum you need $20. I did as what your mum told, cos' I knew she was concerned about you....

However, I am pissed off when she told me over the phone, that you did not return the $150 (the deposit which you were supposed to pay for the Bangkok trip) to her. You have spent $50 in school and the remaining $100, you told your mum that you dropped your friend's hp and needed to pay the $100 for the repair.

I don't believe it! When I asked you on last Thursday, you told me that you have returned the $150 to your mum.... I cannot believe your stories liao..............

On Sunday morning, about 10 am, your mum called me and said that you have just returned home from work. You mean you really work at Metro from Saturday afternoon till dawn and returned home only about 9 am plus in the morning.... You told your mum that you have informed me the night before. I quickly checked on my hp for the sms. Yes, you did smsed me, 'Tell my mum i still working. Till morning cox at warehouse.' OMG, this sms came in at 5.47 am!

I understand that your mum called your hp on Sat night around 10 pm plus to ask you what time you were coming home, you told her were busy covering the canvas sheets at that time, so couldn't talk to her at that moment.

She waited for you until midnight, you still didn't come home. She called your hp twice, but was picked up by a gal and the gal told your mum that she has dialled the wrong number, and subsequently, your hp has been switched off. Your mum went down to the nearby 24-hour coffeeshop (which you told that for a few occasions, you have been hanging there till morning 4 am) to locate you, but didn't see you around. She stayed up until 2 am plus, you still didn't come home.

Would you be able to know how she felt at that time?

My hubby asked you to give him the contact number of your supervisor, but you ignored and went back to sleep. I really have no choice and could not tolerate your attitude and behaviour... I had to tell you straight into your ears that 'Don't ever call me! I am not going to answer your calls anymore!'

You showed no sense of remorse, you just said 'orh'....

My heart was broken then.

你自己好自为知吧! 姐姐的心已经伤透了。

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