May 30, 2008


前两天, 鼻子开始感觉怪怪的, 鼻涕一直不停的往下流。 糟糕,一定是被我老公传染到了!

昨天早上, 就先往公司附近的诊所看了医生, 拿了要, 才去上班。 看到照片中的那卷卫生纸吗?可想而知,我就是这样一面撕着卫生纸抹鼻涕,一面工作。。。医生是有开一天的病假给我, 可是负责cover我的同事又恰巧请了假, 所以我根本就没办法拿病假嘛。

到今天为止, 鼻涕是有止了大概50%吧! 只是现在喉咙开始感觉有点疼, 声带也被影响了。 所以你如果今天有打电话给我的话, 就可以听到我这把超性感的声音了!哈哈哈!

真希望病可以快快好, 因为这来临的星期天, 得去赴一位表哥/弟的结婚喜宴。 说来好笑, 我和我母亲的兄弟姐妹(阿姨舅舅们)的家庭极少来往, 所以这次四姨打电话来, 要发请帖邀请我们全家出席她儿子的wedding dinner, 我就说okay lor. 至于新郎是我的表哥还是表弟, 就等到当天晚上问一问阿姨们就知道了。

我相信我一定是有见过他, 不过却是20多年前的事了!


但我的身子一定要在最佳状态才可以噢! 就利用明天的周末好好地休息吧!

May 27, 2008

A Molly Fish Has Passed Away...

Last night, after dinner, I saw one of GK's fishes lying motionlessly on the bottom of the fish tank.... Oh dear! one of the Molly fish has died....

GK and I quickly scooped it up and placed the dead Molly on a tissue paper. The dead Molly only lived in our tank for 19 days and 归西天 liao.
This is GK's first experience in rearing pets and my buddy, Amy, was so kind to buy 6 fishes (2 Molly, 2 Gold Bar and 2 Tiger Barb) for them.
We spent some time touching and observing the dead Molly, and concluded that it must have been over-fed.... cos' each time when we feed the food, the 2 Molly fishes will always be the first to eat up the food, and they are always ever-ready... As what Amy has mentioned, they dunno what is called 'hungry'.... as a result, one of them died....

Of course, GK felt sad....

Updates for the Weekend (24 - 25 May)

24 May

- Accompanied brother and sis-in-law to a bridal shop in Yishun to sign their package.

Looking forward to brother to fulfil his 终生大事 in Sept 08. So happy for him that he found his 另一半, and happy for my parents too, that my sis-in-law can help my brother to take care and look after them...

25 May

- Celebrated belated Mother's Day at Paramount Restnt. 母亲节快乐!

This meal was postponed from 12 May (actual Mother's Day) due to the busy schedules of the family members. And finally, since our last meal gathering on 23 March, we got to gather again.

Photos of the lunch gathering on 23 March:

May 22, 2008


心血来潮, 好想多了解自己,于是,找到这则血型与星座分析:
O型水瓶座  1月21日~2月18日

O型水瓶座的你,感情丰富,尤其重视友情,跟人交往时,你会注意对方的立场、个性及健康状态,总是尽量使对方感到自由自在。反过来说,你也希望自己能随时保持自由的心情。O型的人原本应有多面的社交性,不会使周围的气氛显得沉闷,再加上个性派的水瓶座,你的人际关系自然不会太差。你富有创意爱动脑筋,能注意到别人没有想到的地方,所以往往有令人吃惊的发现。和你相处,每日的生活都很快乐并且多变化,可是,有些时候,别人会被你古怪的行动吓一大跳。性格爽朗的你,能带给周围的人良好的印象。所以,跟你分开时会感到依依不舍,离开后更想念你,重感情的你珍惜每一个接近自己的人,但是,你也不能看清事情,缺乏果断力的缺点。(哇噻!完全精准, 无误, 我的确是个重感情的人, 也往往把友情放在第一位!但有时候却把自己和事情搞到confused 和 complicated)

  O型是现实主义者,无论处于任何情况下,你都保持着"实事求是"的原则,绝不打马虎眼,你虽然外表很容易激动,内心却能保持冷静,而以理性来约束自己的言行举止。但你并不一定要完全依照自己的标准来生活,在不破坏自己跟别人的和谐之下,追求实际的一面,就是O型水瓶座的特征。水瓶座又是理想主义者,你追求理想的意念极强,无论在多么不利的情况之下,也不会轻易妥协。虽然你言论激烈,但却不至于被人憎恶的地步,这是因为你除了容易激动之外,还能以冷静的眼光注视自己的言行的缘故。这一点和O型的现实主义并不冲突,反而能缓和你的情绪,所以,你即使随心所欲地过日子,也绝不会浪费生命。你只是想要毫无遗憾地度过现在,并且正确地展望未来,所以O型现实与水瓶座的理想主义能在矛盾的融洽中相处。(这点我不太同意, 因为我不是个好的planner, 所以很遗憾的,有好多理想多没办法好好施行)


忠告:对周围的朋友应以博爱的精神平等地对待,千万不要有差别待遇,尤其是对自己所讨厌的人,也应维持基本礼貌。(准! 我的确觉得自己的人缘蛮广的。 但要对自己讨厌的人以礼相待, 我是肯定会带着假面具的咯!)


  你对爱的表现很巧妙,往往有别出心裁的点子,而且关心约会时的装扮和选择有趣的事谈天,和你谈恋爱绝对不会感到沉闷。此型的你,对于表达爱意的方法,非常明显,你会直截了当地说出喜欢或不喜欢。你最无法忍受的便是和讨厌的人拖拖拉拉交往很久,若是你被对方拒绝了,为了不让人看见自己悲伤的一面,你总是伪装成若无其事的样子。O型水瓶座的你,恋爱时并非缺乏现实性的梦幻故事,除了重视对方给予自己的感觉以外,也会考虑到对方是否有利于自己,彼此是否谈得来?对于"讨厌"或"喜欢",都能清楚地表达出来。 (有认同, 喜欢对方就要敢敢说出来!)



忠告:丰富的想像力及表现力,虽能带给家人生活的新鲜感,增进情趣,但需适可而止,以免家人疲于应付。 (可以认同以上分析, 除了还没尝试过‘离家出走’, 哈哈!)






忠告:钱财千万别放在身边,尽量购买书藉,这便是增加财富的方法。 (我的确不是个理财高手, 可是只要花钱花得开心, 就行了! 必竟, 钱财是生不带来, 死不带去的!)

May 21, 2008

How to Tahan This Kind of Neighbour?

At around 1 pm plus, heard a commotion and saw 3 police officers standing outside Aunty Nancy's house.

After the police officers left, I walked past her house to go to the rubbish bin to throw rubbish, and a pungent was coming out from her unit. She told me that the 7th floor's neighbour had thrown a packet of shit water at her aircon compressor and made her house very stinko!

As the 7th floor's neighbour has denied that he was the culprit, her hubby was very angry and has asked me for help to take pictures of that mess so that he could report it to the Town Council, and HDB, and even wanted to bring this matter up to the MP.

I have been hearing Aunty Nancy mentioned several times about the upstairs neighbour creating a lot of problems for her, e.g. making a lot of funny noises in the middle of the nights. But this time, it is really so terrible and 缺德 of this neighbour to purposely throw the shit water at her unit.

I had to lend them the long water pipes with a spray nozzle (which my hubby used for washing his car) and a bottle of Dettol to clean up the mess and get rid of the foul smell.

After she had washed up the mess, the 8th floor's neighbour came down and told her that she also kenna the shit water.... She has already called up HDB/Town Council and waiting for HDB/Town Council to see with their own eyes before she cleaned up.

The culprit is really too much! 太过份!小心有报应!

K, Get Well Soon!

Last evening around 5.30pm, K's school teacher called me up to fetch K back as he was running high fever and very bad cough. He must have caught the chill over the Sunday camping when we bathed him at around 12 midnight.

After visiting the doctor, took his dinner, bath and medication, he fell asleep by 9 pm.

This morning, he woke up early, around 8 am plus. He was feeling more active compared to yesterday, though the forehead still a bit hot.

He is now still taking his afternoon nap, cos' G has gone to school already, so he's alone with me.

K, you'll be alright after tonight!

Don't forget you are looking forward to tomorrow's zoo excursion together with your classmates!

May 20, 2008

BBQ & Camping at East Coast on 18 May 08

We had a wonderful time barbequeing on a breezy Sunday.

Food was great and yummy delicious!

Kids were having great fun too! So nice to see that they were getting along so well....

Baby Jacie was our most entertaining star of the night. She 'entertained' us with various facial expressions, so cute!

Some photos to share:

And also some photos from my previous camping trip:

Looking forward to more camping/bbq activities.


Last Sat, you started smsing me telling me that you were on your way to work at Metro Lido. I checked the time, it was 9.45 am.

You asked me for $15 to pay for as deposit for the name tag and locker. I told you you that you should get from your mum but you mentioned that you told her liao, but she didn't give you. I remembered you had a sale of clothings (school project) at your school last Fri, so I expected you should have got back the profits from the sales, but you told me your group hasn't counted the $ and thus din get back your own share yet.

I don't feel like transferring this amt to you, cos' you should know jolly-well that whenever you need $ to do something, you always ask for it at the very last minute. That was what I was angry about. You never plan and take responsibility of whatever you do...

In the evening around 5 plus, your mum called me and asked me to transfer $20 to your account so that you can pay for your deposits. But I am confused... you told me $15 and yet you told your mum you need $20. I did as what your mum told, cos' I knew she was concerned about you....

However, I am pissed off when she told me over the phone, that you did not return the $150 (the deposit which you were supposed to pay for the Bangkok trip) to her. You have spent $50 in school and the remaining $100, you told your mum that you dropped your friend's hp and needed to pay the $100 for the repair.

I don't believe it! When I asked you on last Thursday, you told me that you have returned the $150 to your mum.... I cannot believe your stories liao..............

On Sunday morning, about 10 am, your mum called me and said that you have just returned home from work. You mean you really work at Metro from Saturday afternoon till dawn and returned home only about 9 am plus in the morning.... You told your mum that you have informed me the night before. I quickly checked on my hp for the sms. Yes, you did smsed me, 'Tell my mum i still working. Till morning cox at warehouse.' OMG, this sms came in at 5.47 am!

I understand that your mum called your hp on Sat night around 10 pm plus to ask you what time you were coming home, you told her were busy covering the canvas sheets at that time, so couldn't talk to her at that moment.

She waited for you until midnight, you still didn't come home. She called your hp twice, but was picked up by a gal and the gal told your mum that she has dialled the wrong number, and subsequently, your hp has been switched off. Your mum went down to the nearby 24-hour coffeeshop (which you told that for a few occasions, you have been hanging there till morning 4 am) to locate you, but didn't see you around. She stayed up until 2 am plus, you still didn't come home.

Would you be able to know how she felt at that time?

My hubby asked you to give him the contact number of your supervisor, but you ignored and went back to sleep. I really have no choice and could not tolerate your attitude and behaviour... I had to tell you straight into your ears that 'Don't ever call me! I am not going to answer your calls anymore!'

You showed no sense of remorse, you just said 'orh'....

My heart was broken then.

你自己好自为知吧! 姐姐的心已经伤透了。

May 16, 2008

Get Well Soon, G!

G has a bad cough since yesterday night, and Granny wanted to bring him see a doctor before bringing them to school today. But when I called the clinic at 10 am, the clinic assistant asked me to take a queue number for this afternoon, as the clinic was already crowded and full till lunch time.

K suggested to let G stayed at home instead. He wanted to go to school alone. Guess what reasons? So that he could been freed from G's supervision. G has been a good brother and good leader. He is always keeping an eye on K, making sure that he don't anyhow run, or don't something wrong in school, and making sure that K follows him.

However, when Granny said to let G go to school, K felt so disappointed.

See tonight how, if the cough is still bad, then will bring G to the clinic.

Hope he'll get well by Sunday, cos' we are going BBQ and camping at East Coast.

English Homework

Were coaching GK with the English homework, and found that they were not able to do their Comprehension. They do not have patience and confidence to read the whole passage and the 'difficult' words.

I must agreed that Dad has his good ways of teaching them, that he really made them read and repeat the whole passage umpteen times and have to read until it was so fluent that not a single mistake was made during the reading. This method was stressful for GK, and K burst into tears...

But with the pressure from Dad, K knew that he was not getting his way by crying so he continued to read and read and memorise the words, and he did! I could see the confidence that he showed when he was able to read the passage fluently....

Thanks Dad, for sparing the rod! You have done a good job!

We knew that this route would not be easy as we cannot give up on our children and let them slacken. You knew how you suffered in the education system when you were so 'bo chap' when you were young. And only when you stepped into the working society, you realised that paper qualification plays an important role in your life....

We don't want our kids to be like us... We should give them the best and help them to survive through their education journey....

As discussed, I went to the nearby bookshop to get an assessment book on Comprehension just now during lunch time. We should let GK have more practices, and build up their confidence in dealing with long passages....

Let's 齐心合力, 加油!

May 15, 2008

You Made Me Angry Again!

Your mum called me yesterday at 8 am, said that she had passed you the $150 to pay to your teacher for the deposit for the Bangkok trip in Aug. She wanted me to sms to your teacher to make sure that she collects from you. I did.

At 2.56 pm, your teacher smsed me.

T: E did not pay the deposit. Unable to keep seat for him.

Me: Is it becos he din attend class and you did not get to see him?

T: He attend my lesson from 1 pm to 3 pm. Just check with him. He told me tomorrow.

At 3.15pm, I smsed you.

Me: Y you didn't pay the $150 to teacher? Y she says you going to pay her tomorrow.

You: Sis, I now go home take the money for teacher 1st.

Me: U know you have to pay pay her today, how come today's lesson din pass to her?

You: Ya, I forget to bring.

At 5.50 pm, I smsed you again.

Me: Have you paid to her? Is she still waiting for you in school? You said you wanted to go home take the $ but your mum and aunt say you haven't come back home at all.

You: Going to. Now at smoking counselling.

Me: So are you going home to take the $ now? What time you reach home?

You: I still in school. Counselling. I know she is waiting, I have tell her later le.

Me: I think forget it lah, give her tomorrow. I'll sms to her and tell her.

You: Ok, ok. Tomorrow morning i pass to her.

At 6.16pm, I smsed to your teacher, 'E says he wanted to go home take the $ and pass to you today, but unfortunately, he's now still held up in the school for the smoking counselling. He'll pass the $ to you tomorrow then. Is there still seats available for him?'

No reply from your teacher.

At 11.10 pm, your mum called me, said you just returned home. Then you told her you left the $150 in your school locker. Hey, what is that mann? Earlier you told me it's at home, and when you at home, you said it's in school? Why you flip your words like that? You just gave me excuses that you've forgotten that you have left it in your school bag and you eventually left the school bag in your locker!

Tell you hor........I AM VERY UNHAPPY ABOUT THIS!!!

There are other things i am not happy too:

1) Ask you what time your counselling finished? You said 5.30 pm. Then between 5.30 pm to 11.00 pm, you were with your friends;

2) Ask you how come you have already got buy bus-stamp for this month, still tell me on Monday that you need 60 cents to take bus to go to school? You said you forget you have purchased bus-stamp for this month already;

3) Ask you why have you been staying out till 4 am over the last few days? You said you went downstairs' coffeeshop and chit-chat with your friends;

4) Ask you when is your working schedules for the helping out of your friend at Lau Pa Sat? You said this week don't have, this week going to Scotts Isetan to be promoter.

5) Ask you when you are going to pass the $ to your teacher? You said 8 am in the morning.

And in today, at 9.27 am, I smsed you, 'Have you paid already?'

At 10.26 am, you replied, 'Teacher says she told you le. I cannot go. Teacher ask me give mum back the money, she will check.'

So in the end, because of your forgetfulness, cannot remember that you have kept the $ in school, you cannot go with your gf to Bangkok! Good lah, save $ also.

But remember to return the your mum's hard-earned $ to her please..............

Still feeling so ANGRY when I think about YOU!

When will you Be Sensible and Be Responsible........?

Primary One Health Checkup and Vaccination

Yesterday, GK had their health checkup and vaccination.

According to them, only 3 of their classmates cried very loudly, i.e. Owen, Shermaine and Jerry. GK described that the jab was painful but they endured. Good boys, Bravo!

They were given a syrup to drink, and then given a jab on their left arms. The syrup was Oral Sabin - 2nd Booster (immuned against Poliomyelitis) and the jab was MMR - Booster dose (immuned against Measles, Mumps & Rubella).

May 14, 2008

You Disappoint Me Again!

On Monday, you smsed me:
'Sis, you at where? Got 60 cent lend me i now at jurong enter no money back to school.'

I told you to come over my office now, I passed the $ to you.
You replied, 'ok ok'.

I waited for some time, still no sight of you. I decided that I should top-up your EZ-link card for you, so told you to wait for me at the passenger service station.

I asked for your EZ-link card, top-up $5 for you. Oh ya, you left a balance of -$0.04 in your card. I returned the card to you, you didn't say anything.

Asked you where you heading to? You said got class at 2 pm, now going to hang around the vicinity. I said 'no', go to your school, take lunch and get ready for class.

But you replied, 'Mummy didn't give me any $'.

I handed you $3.

You walked down the escalator, said you gonna take bus 105 to school. Okay, good, at least you listened to my advice to go school eat lunch.

You smsed yesterday to giving me your teacher's hp no. Cos' you want me to find out from her myself why she called your dad said you didn't attend her class when you were just taking a 10-min toilet break and also to verify about the deposit for the Bangkok trip in Aug.

I called.

I learnt from your teacher that your school attendance is poor! You claimed you went to school, but you didn't attend her class, that's why she still have to mark you 'Absent'. How can she verify that you were in school when she didn't even see you? Why can't you just attend her class? For the late submission of the project, why can't you just worked your share with your team members? In the end, the team has to request to 'kick' you out of the group and made you do your own project and then you start to have problems; cannot finish, hand in late....
You must change your attitude, please....

Your mummy agreed to pay the $150 deposit to your teacher. I know you really want to go, cos' your gf is going also.

Yesterday, I called your mum. She told me you din return home until 4 am that's why she din give you any pocket $ on Monday. What happened? What have you been doing? I am annoyed also when your mum told me you have already purchased the bus-stamp for travelling, how could you tell me that you need 60 cents to travel to school? Also, she has just given you $ to top-up your EZ-link card for taking trains, but how come so fast you already used up the $?

It was about 10 pm last night. Mum said you went downstairs with your friends. You didn't pick up my call....

This morning, she called me and told me you only reached home again this morning 4 am.

I feel so upset for your behaviours, for all the wrong-doings, for all the lies that you have been telling me.... I felt cheated.....

You never want to give true explanations for all the things you have done, you only give lame and doubtful excuses....

I really pity your mum.....I feel sad........My heart breaks..........

For all you have done...............

A Note to my Darlings

My dearest, you saw your SA1 results with your own eyes, didn't you?

G - Eng (50/100), Maths (51/100), MT (58/100)
K - Eng (49/100), Maths (25.5/100), MT (58.5/100)

G - I am fine with your all-Band 3 results.... but I am sure you can do better in your coming CA2 and SA2.... keep it up!

K - I can see you were feeling upset as all the time, you were lowering your head and having redness in your eyes.... You heard and saw some of your friends were doing well, didn't you? Mummy tried 'begging' from your teacher to give you 1 more mark for your English, but she said she had tried her best.....

I knew the almost one-hour at home after returning from the school was miserable for you, cos' you knew Granny and Daddy's faces were showing anger. No more buying of new toys, no more watching of TV programmes....

But I hope you will understand, that we are trying to do you good... You can't be giving excuses all the times, and keep telling mummy that you can't read the words, without even making any attempts and putting in any efforts.

Actually Mummy and Daddy were very upset with the results, especially when your classmates' parents came and asked about how you scored.... We felt 'shamed'.... Cos' their children were doing so well.... At that point, Daddy asked me, 'We should have put in more efforts in teaching them', and I agreed. We do blamed ourselves for the poor results that you've obtained also....

Last night, after all the 'scoldings' from Granny and Daddy, we hid in the bedroom playing the Chinese wordcard games. Mummy enjoyed it so much that we played until midnight. And both of you didn't disappoint me....You were participating very actively. We must keep on trying, making efforts, and I believe you both can excel in all subjects.


Mummy loves you!

Finally, I've created my own Blog!

My concerns:

i) I don't have a good language power; so please bear with my 'not-so-fluent or correct' writings...
ii) I just wanna share my feelings, my thoughts, my grievances and my happiness....
iii) You may be my 'victim(s)' as you may appear in my blogs....
iv) Read with an open mind, they are just my own thoughts/experiences.... Please do not feel offended........

Last but not least, Yee-yah.............. My first blog entry.......Celebrate!