December 16, 2009

GK's Drawings

Last week managed to do some housekeeping of the shelves and drawers, and found a stack of drawings which I have collated since from 2005 - 2007.

To me, they were very talented those days, as at the starting 4 years old, the age of exploring using writing and drawing equipments, they have keen interest in drawing out the characters freely just from the image of the after-watching-the-shows, without copying at any pictures...

Some of the drawings were sort of so accurate that at one glance, I was able to recognise the characters which they were drawing... MIL always praised that they have talents in this area... but as they grow up, now they are more keen to playing with games instead of drawings...

I missed those days when I see them seriously and concentrating on drawing works...

Here are some of the master pieces from GK:

December 9, 2009

Chalet Gathering at Goldkist (4 - 6 Dec 09)

Here's our regular chalet gathering! Unfortunately, couldn't get any unit from the Hometeam NS or the Aloha, hence, ended up booking a expensive and small chalet at the Goldkist (East Coast).

$228/night, expensive sia!
Poor customer services, room!
Poor condition of the chalet; dirty and vandalised wall, leaking aircons.... urgghhh!
Poor security; Lack of privacy and too open to any Tom, Dick and Harry...and Steph's sandals kena stolen... *sh*t*

Somemore on the 1st night, 4th Dec, our next door unit kena raided for illegal gambling....

Our kids swimming in the pool... K says must called it a 'shallow pool' fun...
Had to bring in our bbq pit to our narrow balcony due to bad weather...*smoky chalet unit*

Crowding around the one and only table....

Entertainment of the night for the kids

Updates of E

So long no news of E.... and wanting to blog this updates after receiving a call from E's mum this morning.

E's mum queried about whether E's POSB savings account does still exist as he told his mum that he had already cancelled his bank passbook and is currently only holding the atm card.
This incident arises from E's mum who has been retaining E's bankbook and will regularly update the passbook via the passbook updating machine. But some days back, the passbook kena 'eaten' by the machine.... she went in to the bank counter to check and to learn that E has earlier reported that his bank passbook was lost and did not ask for make a placement of the passbook.

I could understand why E is doing so; he just doesn't want his mum to track his salary income. He bluffed that account is no longer exist and that he was only holding on a 'non-valid' atm card. E's mum felt puzzled that then what will happen to the pay from the future NS service... I doubt so... and determined that E is up to his nonsense again....

More nonsense to come...

E has been working in Courts over the past few months, and reported to his mum that he is earning $800 plus/month. However, the recent month salary could not be claimed because he has lost the punch-card (for recording of schedules/work hours). He had asked and explained to the company but company said he would not be able to get his pay without the punch-card. E told his mum he is going to complain to MOM....I say, 'let him go to MOM... This is not the first time i am hearing stories of him not given or paid for his work....'

I don't buy his stories....

I'm getting worried for aunt... dunno what loads of shit that he will be creating in his NS life....

*shook my head*

November 30, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Dad's bday was on a Hari Raya Haji this year!

Went for a dinner one of our favourite chicken rice shop - Boon Tiong Kee @ Bt Timah.

My MIL nows looks slimmer than I... in fact, she's really slimmer now... had lost abt 5 kg through her daily morning exercise, diligently, over the past 4 to 5 months....Good work Mum!

Megan (taken on 14 Nov 09)

Took some pics of Megan in her 9.5 weeks.

So adorable-looking!

Boyish-looking hor?

Public Service Sports Carnival - 20 Nov 09

Had a good 2-km walk at the Toa Payoh Stadium! It was quite tiring for me; for a person who hardly like to exercise and perspire... But I made it... to walk 5 rounds of the stadium within 20 mins, and thereafter had my heartbeat measured at 110.

Now just gonna wait for the results to be delivered to me to assess my fitness.

Finally in my last lap...still can walk so steadily... not bad liao...

Group photo 1

Group Photo 2

Group Photo 3 - Proud to be JTCians!

Group Photo 4

November 27, 2009

Holidays Coming!

All these while, office work has kept me busy and when at home, I've been so obsessed with playing Bejeweled Blitz! But my mood has been very happy though! Cos' it's already the holiday season!

GK passed their exams! Hooray for them! But next year, they will be in different classes.

Coming up will be my chalet gathering with my buddies! The kids are looking forward to it!

And also following by, my Farrer gathering, and joining a convoy to Ipoh during Christmas!

Hope to keep myself busy with social programs and enjoy my this holiday season...

Btw, gonna to start clearing my vacation leave from 14 Dec onwards... so shiok....


November 4, 2009


Depsite of his busy schedules, with back-to-back meetings, he still bother to ask me,'how are you coping with'...and added 'I am really very happy with you'.

Wow... I felt recognised and motivated! And each time he started to show concerns to me, It made me forget about all those long-tiring hours that I have spent on work...

He's a Great Boss!

September 20, 2009


A series of events updates from 9 - 19 Sep:

9 Sep - A day of anxiety... From 9 am onwards, received news that I am needed to standby to meet HR. Abt 2 pm, after meeting HR, was told that I may need to standby for another meeting with my maybe-new boss-to-be... Waited, waited and waited until 6 pm, finally called in for the meeting... The feeling for the whole day of waiting was nervous, complicated, indecisive, and with a lot of 'what will happen to me next' After the meeting session, still carried the mix-feelings to home, and did not really sleep well for the night.

10 Sep - Went to visit Baby Megan during lunch time at the Bt Batok Polyclinic. Megan went for her jaundice check, and the reading was quite high, about 200 plus. Helped SIL bought the Avent Manual Breastpump ($98) and a pack (2o pcs) of the Breastmilk storage bag ($17.90).

11 Sep - Was busied over lunch hour, cos' got some invoice issues... Only had some bites of biscuits for lunch. In the evening, quickly rushed off to Chen Shifu's house at Woodlands, to collect Megan's Chinese name. Instead of the 艾佳which I have thought of, Shifu suggested that 靖婷is more favourable to Megan. Then, explored my way to meet buddy at the Admiralty Park's Sakura for dinner. Hubby joined only later after his work. So far so good, 2nd visit to this restaurant, the food are still fine with me... Enjoyed the dinner..

12 Sep - Brought GK for swimming at 8 am, and hubby left for airport at about 9 am. This was his first overseas business trip to Taiwan. Shiok lor... he got the opportunity to go Taiwan first before me... we ever discussed about visiting Taiwan together during our Pak-Tor days, but didn't manage to afford for such trip. Now that he went first, good for him to recee the place, and we can plan for our future trip together. In the afternoon, visited SIL and Megan, with a big claypot of the Black Vinegar which MIL has specially cooked for my SIL. Stayed for about 2 hours plus. Enjoyed carrying and cuddling adorable...

13 Sep - Lazed at home... Enjoyed watching the '超级星光5’. MIL is also crazing over this programme together with me.... hahaha.

14 Sep - GK woke up early for school, and by 6.45 am, I had already sent them to the school gate. GK came back in the evening, and told me that they were the 2nd and 3rd in their class to reach the school. The first was Freddy, who came to school by school bus.

15 Sep - GK woke up early again, and we reached school by 6.35 am. Aha! This time they were early liao... but hor... fighting over to be the first in the queue. As expected, G got the first place. I was quite puzzled about why they wanted to go so early and queued right in front. At last, I got the answer... The form teacher has told the class that those boys in the first few of the class row, will be responsible to help her carry things/books as and when needed. So, GK were so eager to help with such kind of chores, and bear to sacrifice their sleeping time because of this... Megan went for her jaundice check, reading dropped to 199.

16 Sep - This time, they reached school by 6.30 am. As agreed, GK will take turns to sit in the first place of the row (if they are early). So, it was K's turn. Also, for this day, at about 4 pm, I received calls that I was successful in the new posting. Wow, that was too overwhelming for me! Cos' as at yesterday, was informed that there will be another person covering the post temporarily, and on top of that, there was another candidate nominated for this post. And I really got it! At that moment, mixed feelings arises again...started to worry about what's going to happen if I were to start on this posting... Am I competent enough?

17 Sep - GK reached school about 6.40 am, and they were 2nd and 3rd position. Another of the classmates also kiasu, came earlier to chope the first place... As for me, after meeting HR personnel to confirm the new posting, then got on busy to type out my current work description for handing over to my replacement who will take over my current position. In the afternoon, started to meet my new boss and learn from my mentor on the job which I will be undertaking... I simply cannot explain how my feelings were liao... very messy and complicated... but my mentor kept encouraging me to take it easy, and learn as much as I could before I officially be on my own wef 1 Oct.

18 Sep - No school for GK as it was PSLE Listening Compre. Reached office about 8.15 am.. damned it for the traffic congestion...Went up to my 'new office-to-be' to familiarise with the environment and things inside the office. Megan went for her jaundice check, the reading has dropped to about 14o. Then went for half day, to chauffeur Bro, SIL and Megan to KK for the birth registration and opening of CDA account. Megan so adorable.... GuGu (that's me) likes her so much!

19 Sep - Hubby reached home at 2 am. Then brought GK for their swimming lesson, then for Breakfast at Koufu. Today saw that there is new stall opening in the Koufu, selling Japanese cuisine. In the evening, packed back the Saba Fish set meal and Curry Rice Set Meal from this stall. Very long queue... food was nice...

Sunday and Monday will be public holidays! Selamat Hari Raya to all my Muslims friends! And to all my Non-Muslims friends, have a good long weekend!

September 8, 2009


Bravo to SIL! Kudos to her for her endurance in labour pain for the 4 hours in labour ward, and delivered Megan smoothly!

Sweet cutie pie Princess Megan! Welcome to the world, welcome to our family!
More pics:





刚才拨电问候大嫂,她有力没力似的回应我,听似在哭泣。 我在电话的另一端也掉泪了。。。能感受到她的阵痛感。。。


August 26, 2009

2-6 Aug : K was downed with fever, as high as 39.7 degree celsius from 2-4 Aug. Brought him to see our clinic and was prescribed with fever and flu medication and Tamiflu. Luckily, he was receptive to the medications and was fully recovered by 6 Aug.

6-8 Aug : On 6 Aug, G's turn to fall sick. Fortunately, he was well after consuming K's medication (except for the Tamiflu). And we caught the movie 'UP' at the West Mall Eng Wah on Sat evening.

9 Aug : Kept GK at home, and had a gathering with my buddies... for our usual past-time entertainment and we ended our game at about 1 am plus. It has been a long time since we last played till so really getting old liao... so not used to staying up so late for such kinda activity.... but to me, what I treasured most was not about the winnings... it's the bonding times with them...

11-14 Aug: A busy week for me, and I was beginnning to learn new knowledge and enhancing my workscope in processing invoices. I felt positive about this workscope, but just couldn't stand to see my colleague lazing.... I am totally unfamiliar with this process and the use of the system, but I tried to learn and pick up as much as I could on how to complete my job. As instructed and agreed with my boss, I've helped my colleague cleared as many of the outstanding invoices I could... and by yesterday (i.e. 25 Aug), there were just a handful of long-outstanding invoices, which i am going to leave to my colleague to do on her own (afterall, that's her job lei).

13 Aug : Received my health report for the health screen done in mid-July. Oh dear... not too good lei... Besides being overweight, my cholestrol level is Borderline High and what worry me most is my blood test result for my platelets... It is lower than the reference range.... I remembered when I was conceiving GK, supposed to go for natural birth, but due to my high blood and low platelets results, I have to go for emergency C-section. I've not heard this term 'low platelets' for many years liao, how come still happened lei? MIL is worried for me, Amy consoled me and said that it could be due to mis-reading of the blood test result, as my blood test was taken during my menses period... Must go and see doctor and re-take blood test soon.

Anyway, these 2 days I am on leave. Later need to accompany SIL to see Dr Yeap, the gynae. As I've mentioned to Dr Yeap about my low platelets result, she has asked me to bring my health report along today for her to see. SIL is in her 37 weeks, and she's going to deliver at any time from now onwards... I am feeling so excited to see my niece....

August 3, 2009

It's a Boy!

The gender of Alicia's baby is revealed!

We'll have a baby boy by this year-end.


July 28, 2009

Mum's too skinny...

This morning brought Mum for her annual polyclinic visit at the Queenstown Wellness Community Centre.
Aiyo... she's so skinny lei.... 29.2 kg.....that's even lighter than G... But hor... her appetite is very good one... how come lei?
Where was the last time I had such weight? I think in Sec school days... and now, in my current state, I've have almost doubled-up liao... haiz...

High Cholestrol......oh dear......

On last Wed night, MIL felt very uncomfortable... she felt numb on the right part of her body from head to toe.

Rushed her to the nearby midnight clinic, and her BP at the clinic was 170... Doctor 'ordered' that I should bring her to the NUH's A&E immediately...

Took a cab down and by the time reached NUH was already 11 pm.

One thing...the moment we stood in front of the registration counter, must pay $90 liao in order to get to see the doctor....

MIL was asked to take her BP reading again, and it was 186... oh dear... y like that?

The nurse suggested to let MIL rest in the waiting area to get to see the doctor, whereas I have to sit outside... couldn't get to accompany her... so lonely and cold....

By the time MIL was attended by the doctor, it was already 2 am, and doctor informed that MIL needed to be warded for further observation.

BIL arrived at 2.30 am, and then, we discussed and did the admission for MIL...

When we got to see MIL, she looked fine again as she was given medication to lower her BP...

There was another long waiting time before she was escorted to her ward...

By then, already 4 am liao...

Then got to wait for the doctors to come to her ward, ask questions again, and then also had to answer another set of questionnaire by the nurse... wau lau eh.... very tired lei....

We could see MIL was feeling better compared to the earlier night... phew....

On Thursday, she was sent for brain scan/x-ray, and doctor replied that the result did not show any signs of clotting or deficiency with her brain. Then doctor decided to do a cholestrol check for her on Friday morning.

And true enough, the discomfort that MIL felt was due to high cholestrol...and MIL nearly got mild stroke because of that...

When she was discharged on Friday, she took a good rest, and ate very light food... She admitted that age is catching up, and her body resistance has reduced, and body system also not functioning well liao...

So, we suggested that she should work harder on getting more exercise to reduce her bad cholestrol...

And indeed, for the past few days, she has been waking up early in the morning, and going down to our neighbouring exercise park to step 'stones'...

She'll stay healthy! Long Live!

Settled Down @ New Office

Officially started working in my office wef 20 July 2009!

Worth remembering this.............
The 'Pantry-Committee'

July 21, 2009

Shifting to my New Office

For the past 2 weeks, have been busy with the packing up of my office, plus disposing of unwanted stuff.... Very shack.... very tired.....

Finally, today is the 2nd day settling down at my new office...

Goodbye my old desk at level 6... have been sitting here for about 8 years....
Welcome to my new desk at level 16.... how many years will I get to sit here.....?
Like this new workspace... longish and more spacious and bright!
Good view of the Old Town Hall Building, Teban Garden Estate, International Business Park, IMM and all the way to the Buona Vista... can see our project - the Fusionopolis!

Racial Harmony Day

Today is the Racial Harmony Day.

All children are encouraged to wear their traditional costumes to school!

GK were excited this morning, as this is their first time wearing such kinda costumes to school!

And these costumes are chosen by themselves, from Chinatown, $22 per set.


家婆去了一趟广和兴酱园的工厂,花了89元, 搬了这些回来。。。真是吓了我老公一跳!

这是间老字号的酱油厂,所生产的酱料都不上架, 只能亲自到工厂购买,拨电或网上订购,由老板亲自送货到家门。。。
目前,家婆尝试了这品牌的酱油和酱青, 还有豆酱,都觉得相当不错! 赞!

July 12, 2009





“uncle 今天没来吗?”




A Value Meal @ the United Square Food Court

Was at United Square Food Court on 5 July 09, and ordered a meal from the Western food stall...

Just $10 for this meal... A chicken chop, a spaghetti , 2 mushroom cream soup, 2 pieces of garlic bread and 2 wantons...

Cheap... but quality of the food... so so only...

Singapore Flyer

On 27th June, Dad wanted to bring GK out for the Transformers movie to 'commemorate' the closing of the June school holidays for GK.

Coincidentally, received an SMS from Annie asking if we were keen visit the Singapore Flyer as she was having 4 free tickets which would be expiring by 30 June. Dad proposed that we should ride on this opportunity to visit Singapore Flyer then go for the movie...

And yes! We onboarded the world's largest Observation Wheel which stands 165m high, and caught a visual 360° view of the iconic and historical landmarks and views from the Marina Bay to the Singapore River, Raffles Place, Merlion Park, Empress Place and the Padang as well as the Marina Barrage!

Really Spectacular! I feel proud of this.............Well done, Singapore!

Feasting at Popeye Chicken Restaurant... Yummy...

A relaxing and nature walk in the Yakult Rainforest Discovery...