July 28, 2009

High Cholestrol......oh dear......

On last Wed night, MIL felt very uncomfortable... she felt numb on the right part of her body from head to toe.

Rushed her to the nearby midnight clinic, and her BP at the clinic was 170... Doctor 'ordered' that I should bring her to the NUH's A&E immediately...

Took a cab down and by the time reached NUH was already 11 pm.

One thing...the moment we stood in front of the registration counter, must pay $90 liao in order to get to see the doctor....

MIL was asked to take her BP reading again, and it was 186... oh dear... y like that?

The nurse suggested to let MIL rest in the waiting area to get to see the doctor, whereas I have to sit outside... couldn't get to accompany her... so lonely and cold....

By the time MIL was attended by the doctor, it was already 2 am, and doctor informed that MIL needed to be warded for further observation.

BIL arrived at 2.30 am, and then, we discussed and did the admission for MIL...

When we got to see MIL, she looked fine again as she was given medication to lower her BP...

There was another long waiting time before she was escorted to her ward...

By then, already 4 am liao...

Then got to wait for the doctors to come to her ward, ask questions again, and then also had to answer another set of questionnaire by the nurse... wau lau eh.... very tired lei....

We could see MIL was feeling better compared to the earlier night... phew....

On Thursday, she was sent for brain scan/x-ray, and doctor replied that the result did not show any signs of clotting or deficiency with her brain. Then doctor decided to do a cholestrol check for her on Friday morning.

And true enough, the discomfort that MIL felt was due to high cholestrol...and MIL nearly got mild stroke because of that...

When she was discharged on Friday, she took a good rest, and ate very light food... She admitted that age is catching up, and her body resistance has reduced, and body system also not functioning well liao...

So, we suggested that she should work harder on getting more exercise to reduce her bad cholestrol...

And indeed, for the past few days, she has been waking up early in the morning, and going down to our neighbouring exercise park to step 'stones'...

She'll stay healthy! Long Live!

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