September 18, 2010

Updates on Megan

Visited Megan on 15 Sep... she had just turned 1 year old last week...

She's already taking her first steps and walking with hands holding on to the table or chair to assist her strides......

Quite fun to play with her at this time... especially when she crawled up to me asking for hugs and to carry her...

East Coast Park (12 Sep 2010)

Last Sunday, after sending MIL to the temple for her prayer session, we spent our morning and early afternoon lazing at East Coast Park.

We remembered having a kite in Dad's car, so decided to bring it out to play...

GK's first attempt to fly a kite...

At Comex IT Show on 5 Sep 2010

Was at Suntec City on 5 Sep 2010.
Initial intention was to go to the Toy R Us to get some Beyblade toys for GK, and later decided to pop over to join the crowd for the Comex IT show...

Dad took a long hour queueing up at the Starhub Booth for his mobile re-contract, GK and I were bought gigantic cotton candy and hotdog buns while waiting...

A signatured-hotdog bun for G...

August 26, 2010






August 25, 2010





May 22, 2010

Red Bean Plant

Ever since in Kindergarten days, GK has already experienced in planting of green bean seeds and red bean seeds using a plastic cup/container and cotton wool, and observing how plants grow.
On those earlier experiences, our findings were that the leaves between the green bean plant and red been plant are different in their shapes. However, the plants planted by GK never lasted long, probably within 2 weeks, they died.

In Febrary this year, for the Science subject, K was asked to grow either the green bean or red bean seeds again... and because we ran out of green bean seeds, we decided to grow using red bean seeds.

The red bean seeds have grown very well in the plastic container. And in March holiday, we decided that we should transfer the plants to the soil.

Over the days, the plants had grown well too in the soil, and just last week, we observed that there were even flowers budding on the red bean plants...

This was what we newly learnt also.... Red bean plants bear yellow flowers!

Too close-up, cannot see the petals of the flowers well...
Notice the heart-shaped leaves of the red bean plant? Green bean plant is of another shape... try growing the green bean plant and tell me the shape of its leaves... : )



14 May
早上,老公捎来好消息。他的同事(阿冯)的老婆已经顺利产下了一个健康的男宝宝。阿冯夫妇俩结婚已很多年,如今如愿得子,真是替他们开心。 (乐)


下午时分,yahoo的主页登了我国元老,前副总理Dr Goh Keng Swee 逝世的消息。说实话,我其实对这位元老并不熟悉。印象中,一直只知道LKY是犹如我国的国父,因为他对国家的贡献是如此的大。之后从报章细读Dr Goh的一切文章,才知他也是为如此令我敬佩的长者。惭愧的是,我到目前才真正知道我已服务了多年的公司,原来是他提议创办的。。。 (哀,惋惜)

没多久,老公再次来电,提醒说隔天我们得参加一个他JB朋友的结婚晚宴。。。真是糟糕,我竟然把这件事给忘了,还本想约了老公和朋友去喝酒唱K, 只好另择吉日了。。。(失望)

15 May
孩子们要呆在家里,所以下午准备好了他们的晚餐, 就载家婆去老奶奶的丧处吊唁。之后我们就前往新山去。婚宴是在Danga Bay的港一海鲜酒楼举行。酒席的菜色相当不错,只是效率方面超慢;每一道菜上桌,需隔大约15至25 分钟的等候时间。。。结果等到11点钟时, 我们尝了炒饭后,就离开了, 不想再等酒楼上甜品了。随后,老公在附近的油站添了车油,我们赶紧前往关卡去。马国和我国的关卡车辆还挺多的,所以有稍微的阻塞。待我们抵达老奶奶的丧处时,已经是凌晨12.30 了。等到家婆的麻将牌局结束时,已经是2点钟了。(又累又困)

16 May
醒来时,已经是早上10点多钟了。 大家梳洗一番后,在12点钟时,跟大伯和小叔集合在龙凤大饭店,为家婆庆祝belated母亲节。这里的点心quality不错,大家都很喜欢。我们各自还另外打包了一些回家慢慢吃。(开心)

接着载家婆到老奶奶的丧处参与出殡仪式后。大约6点钟,我们就会到家里,在梳洗一番后,就在7.45 pm, 抵达了Coronation Plaza 的妙益素食馆,因为家婆要出席佛堂师父的六十岁的寿宴。等待家婆的当儿,我们和孩子就到Serene Centre的MacDonalds 吃快餐当晚餐。这间快餐店对我有着特别的意义。。。是我在12岁那年第一次吃麦当劳的所在地。印象即深刻因为是参加同学的生日会,才有机会第一次吃麦当劳和品尝鱼柳堡的滋味。。。结果,吃完后,在回家途中,在乘搭的巴士上,吐了满地都是。尴尬极了。。。

17 May
G说科学科目考到63分,我很满意。可是,数学只考到30分. K只知道数学科目的分数, 32分。。哎哟,真是糟糕了!

18 May

19 May
G 发烧和咳嗽了,mc 三天。K一早就到电话,很内疚的告诉我他在PE 跳绳时,忘了把眼镜给摘下,结果眼镜掉在地上,镜片都给摔碎了。。。我好心疼哦,因为K已在不到一年内已经换了3副眼镜了。。。好粗心的一个孩子。。。

20 May
我的妈呀。。。K报道说华文试卷,他考了8/50. G比较好一点,15/50。。。哇,真的要加把劲了。。。不过,英文试卷,K考了42/60,在我认为是相当好了!
晚上8点多钟时,哥哥捎来电话,通知说妈妈咳嗽,身子看起来很弱。我只好在10.45pm,跟老公把她载到AH看紧急部门。当时妈妈也正在发烧,看了令人担忧。医生建议入院观察,已看是否有肺部感染或是TB的迹象。带我在医院等到2am时,妈妈才去到了病房。值勤医生通知说X-ray 结果已废除TB的可能性,目前看来是有点肺部感染,所以会发烧。当我和老公回到家里时,已经是3am了。。。倒头就睡着了。。zzz

21 May
6点钟就起身了,好困哦! 没办法,还是得准备带K上学。出门前,照了镜子,黑眼圈好深哦!


May 12, 2010

Exam Fever!






May 2, 2010

Batam Trip

Yesterday finally realised the trip which I've planned long ago.

The previous trip to Batam was in Nov 2008 together with my family and relatives, and I had a good impression and memory of this Batam island. I enjoyed the seafood, the roadstreet bbq foodstuff in the night, and shopping spree with good mannn...

It was only on 30 April, then I confirmed this trip with Steph and her family. And on 1 May, about 9 am plus, we arrived at the Harbourfront Cruise Centre to book our ferry tickets to Batam...and to our astonishment, the only earliest ferry tickets available will be only 2.20 pm... oh my gosh! I thought only M'sia is Singaporean's favourite places to travel to during long weekends/holidays.... never did I knew that Batam island is so overwhelmily visited by Singaporeans! Now, learnt a lesson... next time must do a advance booking via telephone-booking with the ferry agency...

Hence,from 10 am... loitered around Vivocity, had breakfast and lunch and window-shopping until it was time for checking in at about 1.20 pm...

It was only about 2.30 pm then we got to board the ferry. It took us about an hour to reach Batam Centre. Our 2nd uncle (he worked in Batam for 12 years liao), together with a driver (whom uncle has helped us to engage) was already there to receive us. As this trip was of a short notice for 2nd uncle, hence, he was unable to keep us company for the day due to his prior dinner engagement. So, we had the driver to take charge of chauffeurring us throughout our shopping trips.

Our shopping trip started at about 3 pm (Batam time), at the Nagoya Hill shopping centre. All of us had a great buy of the Polo T-shirts which cost about between S$20 - S$40 plus (in average) at the Mahatari departmental store. I also bought some t-shirts for MIL (for her to wear to downstairs for her daily exercise). Each t-shirts cost only about S$3. Thereafter, we had a light dinner at the A&W restaurant at about 6 pm.

At about 6.30 pm, we went to BCS, another shopping centre which also had a great number of shops. In here, I found and bought my sons' Pokemon cartridges (which cost about S$15 each). Informed them over the phone, and they were so happy about it...

At about 7.30 pm, our driver dropped off us at our final destination - Mega Mall @ the Batam Centre. As we have already finished buying most of the stuff that we wanted, hence, we only window-shopped at here.

At about 8.30 pm, we were already at the ferry terminal, checking-in to board the last ferry at 9.00 pm. By this time, everyone of us was already tired.

We reached Harbourfront at about 11.15 pm (Singapore time).

I am delighted to have proceeded with this trip, and it was really 满载而归! More happy to have Jacie to accompany us in this trip as she had been cooperative, cheerful and really liven up and entertained my day! At the end of the day, she must have been very tired that she felt asleep in the ferry and all the way through reaching cute!

As 2nd uncle had mentioned, he suggested that we could have come here with more friends, and to stay over for a night, so that he could play host and we could have more fun to enjoy the nightlife of Batam in eating local seafood and specialties, and to go for massage or spa...

Looking forward to the next trip where I can have more friends to join me along...

March 14, 2010

Random posts

The exposure of the J's scandal had indeed a great impact on me.... I am disappointed with him... for having faith in him that he's a good and loyal man to his wife, his family...the incident is a good learning point for me and to realise the important role of a wife to learn and be able to 'hold' the heart of her husband so that it will not be strayed...then it will be possible to achieve the happiness of the whole family...

I've enjoyed the past 2 weeks, having and spending time with hubbyas though we were back to our courtship days....

Yesterday, he brought me to the Tanjong Pagar KTM Railway station, one of his favourite hunt for supper.... it was really an eye-opener to patronize this 24-hour hawker centre in the railway station... there were many great varieties of Muslim food and got Indian Rojak and Roti Prata too! And there were a great crowd too! It was a cooling open air space, and I'll get to see train with alighting and aboarding passengers at the station....

Gonna enjoy my coming week too, cos' it's a school holiday week.... can relax for a week by not having needing to supervise GK's homework... Yippeee....looking forward to tomorrow's dinner gathering with my friends at the Mushroom Pot....

February 28, 2010











February 24, 2010



好讨厌自己一个人独处的时後;无论是在过马路,走路,在办公室,在洗手间,躺在床上。。。 眼泪就会不听使唤的涌了出来。。。心里头只有一个‘痛’字,那么的绞痛,把整个心脏都揪在一块儿,让我真的喘不过气来。。。




February 2, 2010

J & J's Wedding (24 Jan 2010)

It was Johnny & Junee's wedding day on 24th Jan 2010.

The Avante squad gathered together at Johnny's house in Eunos by 8 am, and convoyed to Junee's house in Aljunied.

Thereafter, back to Johnny's house again and then drove to Kallang Indoor Stadium to fall in for Avante group photo-taking.

Next, the couple went back to Junee's house for the ''hui niang jia'' tradition while the rest of the convoy squad proceeded to the Clementi Woods' Sakura for the lunch reception.

The wedding car
Getting ready for the Avante group photo at the car park of Kallang Indoor Stadium

There was a total of 39 cars forming the convoy squad

Lunch Reception at Clementi Woods

The wedding couple

Welcome Ryan! Congrats Alicia

Date : 17th Jan 2010

Time : 12 - 2 pm

Venue : The Ong's House

Occasion : Ryan's baby shower celebration

Auntie Annie with Baby Ryan
Auntie Steph with Baby Ryan
Our kids' enjoying messing up Celeste's room

Baby Ryan taking group photo with the Aunties and Jie Jie

Jacie's funtime with the bear(s)...
Congrats to Alicia!
Thanks for the contribution of newbies to our 'big family'!

GK's Bday

Celebrated GK's bday at the JP's Swensens.

Yummy food with Delicious Free Firehouse for both of them!

The kids were delighted.

January 25, 2010

Ipoh Convoy Trip (25 - 27 Dec 09)

This is an overdue posting of my convoy trip to Ipoh last year's Christmas.

It was a virgin trip, and having to travel for about 8.5 hours to reach Ipoh...

Though was a long and tiring journey, but it was very experential for everyone.

There were Tesco and Jusco shoppping malls just like in JB, lots of green and huge mountains, and we had a great adventure of exploring a mining cave. We also visited The Lost World which had a water theme park just like our Wild Wild Wet, and The Lost World comprised of a Mini Zoo too. And we also visited a deserted castle - Kellies Castle.

Arriving in Ipoh

A Family Pic at the Gua Tempurung

A Family Pic at the Kellies Castle

Avante Group Photo at Kellies Castle

More Info on Gua Tempurung:

More on Kellies Castle:

January 10, 2010


It has been a week since the school re-opening and I've resumed my work back at office. Has been feeling happy for the entire week, especially to see my GK progressing into P3, Celeste into P2, Malcom into P1, Mabel into K2, Jacie into Nursery class. And good news to welcome the arrival of Ryan on 20 Dec 09! Congrats to Alicia, and hope she is enjoying her bonding with baby Ryan and maternity leave.

For GK, this year they are in different classes, and every night before sleep, I enjoyed hearing their daily stories happening around them in their respective class. They are so enthusiastic to share their stories and that really give me a chance to know more about their classmates and teachers.

Updates on Ed. Few days ago, Ed sms-ed me to borrow $ from me, but I was hesitant to do so. Hence consulted Ed's mum. Aunt was angry with Ed to learn about this, and ever since Ed has been enlisted into NS since 16 Dec, he has been asking for $ every now and then from Aunt, for his purchase of stuff needed for his NS. And I was shocked to hear that ever since on Ed's bday on 31 Oct, he has never been home to sleep at night. He has never want to confess where he spent his nights. And he only appears at home in the day and goes missing for the rest of the night. There have been occasions when Ed returned home in the day, with a gal waiting outside the door; and this gal (aged abt 20 plus) was holding on 3 kids with her.. hmm.. Aunt is worried, but Ed claimed that that gal is her friend only.

This evening, about 8 pm, Aunt called me and wanted me to sms to get him to come home for dinner and get ready to book in for his camp. It is usually that Ed came home so late on his book-in day, usually he would leave by 4 pm plus and said that he is booking in to the camp. But today, he returned home at 2 pm (yesterday came back to pass his clothings for Aunt to wash, then went out whole day till today 2 pm), then said he was going to NUH to see doctor and at 5 pm plus, called Aunt to inform her that he was waiting for his medical report. Aunt got worried when by 8 pm, Ed was still not back home to bring his stuff to get ready for book-in.

Today is also the day when Ed's dad is leaving to KL to work for his brother, and he says that he will only likely be back once a month to home. Before he left for KL this morning, he told Aunt that he saw Ed with a big group of friends, including the gal with the 3 kids.

I can understand that Aunt is getting more worried for Ed now, as now Ed's dad is not going to be home to 'help' her 'look after' Ed... I can sense she is feeling stressful over Ed.

And also at home there are 2 Singtel bills waiting for Ed to settle; one is $300 plus and the other is $400 plus. Ed's dad told Aunt that the 2 bills are for the Ed's Broadband and Hp bill respectively. But is Ed going to and be able to settle them? Looks like will be a burden to Aunt again.... haiz...

This afternoon we went Wholesale Centre and I helped Brother to buy some groceries, dried stuff and vegetables. Then also visited Megan. Ahahaha... Megan is four-month-old now and she is botak! Really looks more like a boy now... unfortunately, i din bring up my hp or camera so din take her pics. Will do it on my next visit.

January 1, 2010

Baby Megan

Visited parents, Da-Sao and Megan on Monday (28 Dec 09).

Now Megan is already in her 16th weeks, and whenever I talk to her, she will respond with smiles and trying to make out sounds... so adorable!

Da-Sao and Megan
K, Megan and I

G, Megan and I

Megan and I