May 22, 2010

Red Bean Plant

Ever since in Kindergarten days, GK has already experienced in planting of green bean seeds and red bean seeds using a plastic cup/container and cotton wool, and observing how plants grow.
On those earlier experiences, our findings were that the leaves between the green bean plant and red been plant are different in their shapes. However, the plants planted by GK never lasted long, probably within 2 weeks, they died.

In Febrary this year, for the Science subject, K was asked to grow either the green bean or red bean seeds again... and because we ran out of green bean seeds, we decided to grow using red bean seeds.

The red bean seeds have grown very well in the plastic container. And in March holiday, we decided that we should transfer the plants to the soil.

Over the days, the plants had grown well too in the soil, and just last week, we observed that there were even flowers budding on the red bean plants...

This was what we newly learnt also.... Red bean plants bear yellow flowers!

Too close-up, cannot see the petals of the flowers well...
Notice the heart-shaped leaves of the red bean plant? Green bean plant is of another shape... try growing the green bean plant and tell me the shape of its leaves... : )

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