January 6, 2009

The Beginning of Spring Cleaning

On 26th Dec, my hubby was on leave, so decided to start spring cleaning and clearing away unwanted stuff at the shoe rack/display cabinets...

And these were part of the 'victims':
My trophies won from 1986 to 1997.
For the description: http://luvina76.multiply.com/photos/album/35/TrophiesMils_Bedside_Lamp

And the most 'sayang' stuff was this pair of porcelain bedside oil lamp, which was bought by my FIL/MIL for their wedding... and it had almost a long 40-year history liao.... but well, since, there wasn't any place for us to display them, so, with MIL's consent, all of the above stuff were disposed of into the rubbish bin on 26 Dec 08.... Sayonara.....*sob* *sob*

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