July 15, 2008

Updates on E

During lunch, E's mum called me to update me about his son.

It has been after so many weeks since I last heard of him. So, I expected this call about E must be bad news lor...

Indeed, this morning, the house kena poured with paint again. But the parents were at the wits end again, because E didn't admit or tell anything what happened or how come those people come and pour paint again... He kept denying that he knew who did it, or if he had owed $. The mum said that E has called the police, but the police didn't come.

Nothing, nothing, nothing that the parents can do...

I pity them again...

The Kung-fu Panda Fever!

Finally, we have finished with the collection of 2 similar set of toy figurines after many days of Happy Meals....
This reminds me of how crazy I was when I was into my collection of the Hello Kitty and Snoopy (which ended up sleeping in a big plastic bag, stuffed in a dark corner of my storeroom)...
They are just like me... 有其母必有其子!But the fun is there, and we have to recee and get s chance to visit the McDonalds outlets (within 2 weeks) islandwide to get the particular toys which we are short of. Good job!
The fever hasn't end yet... They have already watched the movie in the theatre, and now they are watching the DVD, everyday from 8 pm onwards, consectively for 4 days liao....

The Boh-Gei (无牙)Twins

Ever since Aug 2006, the boys have been starting to drop their milk teeth, one by one.....

Between May - July 2008, their front teeth started to drop too... and now, they always teased themselves as 'boh-gei'... hahaha
However, I really admired the kids' bravery nowadays. They were just not afraid of losing their teeth, and in fact more excited about having to visit the dental clinic. Whenever they find their tooth starting to turn loose, they will diligently shake it more until they think it is ready to drop by their school dental clinic to ask the dental nurse to extract it out..
Till today, I am still cowarding about visiting a dentist. I do not like the smell of a dental clinic, and cannot tahan feelings and sounds made by the polishing, excavating of residue stuck between my teeth-holes, or the filling-ups for my cavities.
It must have been the bad experiences that I had during my primary school days when I did not have proper oral care for my teeth and as a result, I had to visit the dentist so frequently to have my teeth extracted or filled-up, and those days really scared me off....
And now let me recall... it has been more than 3 or 4 years since I last visit a dentist to check my teeth...

July 7, 2008

BBQ Gathering cum Steph & Alicia's Bday Celebration

Last Sat, we had a BBQ at the East Coast Park.

The BBQ started at around 6 pm plus, and we have innovated a new and convenient way to BBQ without having to book a pit ($16) from Nparks or using a stand for our portable BBQ. Hahaha, we are improving and gaining new experiences from each of our BBQ sessions....

The BBQ session ended around 11 pm plus after Stephanie and Alicia left for home. So, Annie and I started with the cleaning and washing up of our kids, got them dressed for sleep in the tents, and then continued with the clearing up and packing the table and the food.

By the time when we finished and got ready to bed, it was around 2 am plus.

On the next day, between 7 am - 9 am plus, all of us were already awake. We finished up all the cooked and leftover food, then packed up and kept the tents.

At 12 noon, the kids were having fun cycling around the park....

Pictures for the gathering:


I have truly enjoyed such gatherings and treasured the time spent with my dearest friends and family. As for the kids, I am sure they have enjoyed themselves too; having the chance to stay away from home and experienced outdoor fun.

And to Stephanie and Alicia, Happy Birthday to Both of You! Hope you have enjoyed this birthday treat from Annie and I.


Good Pupil Reward

There is a rewarding system in GK's class - Good pupil of the day.

Ever since, school started in January, some of the classmates have already been given this reward and gotten a chance to bring home a blue teddy bear to sleep or cuddle with for a night. or over the weekend.

This teddy bear will have to be returned to the form teacher and passed on to the next pupil whom has been identified to deserve the reward. Understand from GK that the winners were usually the girls in the class, and I must also admit and know that the girls in GK's class are not only good at their schoolwork, but also for their behaviour too. Hence, it was so common to hear from GK that some particular pupils have got the chance to bring home the teddy bear again and again.

Last Friday when fetching GK after school, K was so proud and happy to show me that teddy bear that he was holding. Accordingly to G, K was very well-behaved on that day, and he was participating spontaneously in class, and answering quite a number of questions correctly during the class discussion.

That was his achievement!

Well Done, Keith!

July 4, 2008

Juices for Thought! (For information)

Last month, attended a course on taking care of our health being and one of the topics was on making fruit juices/drinks.
Here are some recommended juice recipes which I am more interested in taking note of:

  • Juice for Reducing High Blood Pressure

2 sticks celery, 1/2 cucumber, 1/2 cup chopped parsley, 1 spring onion or 1 clove garlic, 1 apple, 1 orange or grapefruit

  • Juice for Reducing High Cholestrol

2 dandelion or 2 cabbage leaves, 1 clove garlic or 1 - 2 red onion, 1 orange, 1 grapefruit, 1 apple, 1 radish

  • Juice for Treating Cold & Flu

2 lemons, 1 clove garlic, 1/2 cm slice fresh ginger, 1 apple, 1 pear

After juicing the ingredients, add in 1 cup hot water with 1 tbsp honey

  • Juice for Reducing Gas & Bloating

1 cabbage leaf, 1 cm slice fresh ginger, 3 slices fresh pineapple, 4-6 mint leaves

  • Juice for Treating Headache

2 cabbage leaves, 1 cup chopped broccoli pieces, 1 cup alfalfa sprouts, 1 apple, 1 large carrot

  • Juice for Boosting Immune System

1 stick celery, 1 ripe tomato, 1 pear, 1/2 beetroot, 1 carrot, 2 cabbage leaves, 1/2 slice fresh ginger, 1 clove garlic (optional), 1/2 red onion, 1/2 soursop (optional)

  • Juice for Weight Loss
1 large grapefruit, 2 dandelion leaves, 1 medium apple, 1/2 cup chopped parsley, 1 medium carrot, 1 medium cucumber, 1 pinch tumeric, 1/2 tsp kelp powder, or

Equal quantities of spinach & beetroot, or carrot & spinach, or carrot & lettuce, or cabbage & tomato, or pineapple and grapefruit, or

Make a cup (about 250 ml) of Lime and Strawberry Soda
In a juice extractor, process 125g fresh strawberries, then a 1/2 chopped lime. Add in 125 ml soda water and stir.

Toast for Good Health! Happy drinking!

July 3, 2008


近日,我相当活跃与积极地在Facebook上寻找和联络久违了的小学,中学,童军时期,ITE和UniSIM的同学和朋友。成绩相当不错, 目前已有十多名跟我联系上。

最值得一提的,并且让我兴奋不已就是找到了我的第二任男朋友-阿鹏。分手至今有15年了, 可是对他的印相和愧疚依然记忆忧新。

通过童军活动而认识了来自另一所学校的阿鹏。他小我一年级, 可是因两校的童军友谊关系超好, 因此就经常在一块儿举办活动,而彼此变得熟络起来。恰巧他的相貌跟我当时迷恋的偶像长得相似,所以便渐渐地对他有好感。可是, 他当时喜欢和追求的对象却是我的junior. 这是众所周知的。我只好收拾起我那颗破碎的心,继续默默地暗恋着他。


终于,我鼓起勇气,决定向他表白。于是,乘着圣诞节,在圣诞卡上的最右角下,我写上了‘你是我的唯一’。可是,在把卡片寄出后,我开始感到不安和后悔, 担心万一他对我没兴趣, 那么,再跟他见面不就很尴尬吗?

谢天谢地,老天是疼我的。 他有回应了。记得在他的学校那天,他靠近我,试图牵了我的手! 我真的太开心了!


可是,好景不常在。 我们只维持了大概两个月,好不容易建立的关系被我给搞砸了。

就在一位同学的生日会上,我认识了D君。从那天起,D君对我很殷勤,人长得高,简直就是天生一副模特儿的身架。我背着阿鹏赴了D君的约, 去了他朋友在Pasir Ris 的Chalet. 当时的我,还真不知道哪条经不对,竟然会背叛阿鹏!

Chalet 那晚除了吃烧烤,玩牌,聊天之外,并没有什么事情发生。 只是凌晨要离开时,他在我的颈部给了一个很深的吻, 结果原来是个‘咖喱鸡’。 衣领怎样遮都遮不了。这下把我给害残了!


阿鹏当时已觉事有蹊跷, 加以追问。于是,在羞愧之下,我隐瞒事实,说了个不确实的理由后,直接提出分手! 就这样,我们结束了!




还没正式问他,不过看起来应该还是单身。 希望他早日找到他的另一半。。。。也希望我们友谊永固!

p.s : 如果我的脸皮真的够厚的话,好想问他,听听他当时被我抛弃的想法和心情。可是真难以启齿。。。