June 30, 2008

Composition Writing

Yesterday afternoon, Dad bought 2 sets of McDonalds' Happy Meals for tea-break while we were on our way to the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre. GK were happy with the toy collection of Po, the panda and they made a request to have McDonalds' again for their dinner so that they could collect Tai Lung. Dad agreed.

So, around 8 pm, we went down to the restaurant and they collected the toys as what they had wanted. When we were done with the meal, I cleared the table and brought out the school assignments which GK had to complete over the weekend. It was on Composition writing.

In the previous 2 school terms, GK were supposed to look at the given picture and write 5 sentences. But starting this term, it is going to be challenging as they are required to look at the picture and write at least 50 words.

So this term's first assignment was a picture showing a family having a picnic at the beach. I coached K while Dad coahed G.

Here's an interesting dialogue between Dad, G and I when G was about to complete his writing:

G : Okay, Papa, I write finished.
D : But you need to have 50 words. Now got how many words?
G : Must count?
D : Ya, then you know how many words you have written.

So G started counting; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ......, 46, 47, 48.

G : Only 48.
D : Then, it' s not enough. Need to write some more words.
G : How many more words I need huh?
D : At least 2 more.
G : Orh. Then write 'That's all.'
I : How come you write 'That's all.'?
G : Papa said 2 more words. 'That's all" (as he counted his fingers), 2 words mah.
I : Cannot. This is about story writing, so you must end your story properly.
G : But I write all the things finished already (he meant he has already described about what all the people in the picture were doing), nothing to write already. So, that's all, can?

Dad and I looked at each other, and we laughed.

In the end, with Dad's help, G wrote another sentence with around 8 more words to end his story....

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