August 13, 2008

弟弟呀, 你还是这样!


这些日子以来, 你的家被讨债者泼了两次漆,你母亲也帮你还了债。真希望你吸取这次的教训, 远离你那群猪朋狗友,实行你对你母亲的承诺。

前天,我开始接听你的来电, 回复你的sms:

11 Aug, 3 pm : You called me says your computer cannot start, cos' overheat, need to replace a new RAM costing $85, from Sim Lim. You mentioned you asked from your dad but he don't have the money. So you approached me.

11 Aug, 3.07 pm : Sis, if not you lend me 1st... Cos the shop closing soon... I ned to push down... Friday I pass the money to you personally... I really urgent... If not, I can't hand in my homework...

(My reply: wait till Friday when you have the money then you buy)

11 Aug, 3.09 pm : Not that I can't wait for it or wad... is I urgent need tomorrow school reopen le... I got 8 assignment to hand in... Pls...

(My reply: Since your gf is in the same class as you, she should be doing her assignments also. You ask her for help, or go her house use her computer)

11 Aug, 3.11 pm : I broke up with her le... That's why I now on my own..

(My reply : Then why must you wait until so last minute then want to do your 8 assignments. You should have done it earlier...)

11 Aug, 3. 13 pm : That's why urgent... I never hand in I will bar from exam... Tat why I know last min work not good..

11 Aug, 3. 19 pm : Sis, can transfer me? I will show you the receipt... The shop close early... Pls trust me this time...

(I called up both Sim Lim Towers and Sim Lim Square to check the closing time for the shops, and the customer service told me the shops' closing time is 8 pm)

11 Aug, 3.22 pm : xxxxxx (your a/c no). Pls... I really urgent.. Trust me this time.... I show you the receipt.

( I asked you which shop you are going to? Sim Lim Square or Sim Lim Tower)

11 Aug, 3.23 pm : Dunno i must go see... Sis, transfer me 1st can? I will show you the receipt later.

11 Aug, 3.29 pm : Sis, if done transfer, tell me... Let me prove back trust to you... Friday I will sure pass you...

(I replied that I have sought permission to leave office early. I wanted to go with you. Meet you at Jurong East mrt station and go together)

11 Aug, 3.39 pm : I go meet my friend 1st...Can't you transfer to me? Trust me this time... I will show you the receipt later...

(I replied that I also want to go Sim Lim buy something, so meet you and go together)

11 Aug, 3.47 pm : Huh? But if we go other place buy how? Sis... I know you don trust me... But I really need your help then ask you de... I just wanna gain back the trust to prove to you that ... ya, i have do wat i say... Then Friday i pass you back...

(I replied you that I still want to go, cos' i need to go shop at Sim Lim also)

11 Aug, 3.50 pm : I just wanna show the trust in me... Tat why I ask you transfer... Now I no gf no need to scare i give them money or wad...

(I replied that I told you I want to go and see things, and will pay for your RAM when you purchase it)

11 Aug, 3.54 pm : But if changing place to buy how? Tat why i ask you to transfer me... Sis pls.. Trust me how ma... Can really transfer to me.. I don dare to lend money from pple le... since the loan shark i very scare le...

(I replied that if you think very malu for me to go with your friend, then i set off now, meet you directly at Sim Lim, take it as we meet coincidently.)

11 Aug, 4.09 pm : Actually I wanna go buy clothes also... So i need lend 85 from you... sis just transfer me...

(I replied that your priority should be buying the RAM and get your assignments done, and hand in on the next day, so that you don't get barred from exam... Buying clothes is not urgent at all)

11 Aug, 4.18 pm : I wan... But I thinking go other place see also.. That why I need to lend money from you... sis, can just transfer me ... if enough then i buy my stuff if not enough then i save it in my bank.

11 Aug, 4.24 pm : You transfer the money I will confirm show you the receipt and RAM... Sis, really.. I promise...

(I replied and repeated that then let me go with you to buy the RAM)

11 Aug, 4.31 pm : Not I don wan let you go cox I and my friend going else where see also...

11 Aug, 4.46 pm : Sis, can you transfer to me can? Pls...

(I replied that I don't have money to transfer to you. Not my payday yet, so I have to go with you and pay the RAM using credit card)

11 Aug, 5.36 pm : Nvm lo... I see how 1st...
The next day, you sms me again:

12 Aug, 12.04 pm : Sis, I need to lend money from you. I need to go buy something... I meant beads got... pple order.

(I replied that I don't have money now, must wait until next week)

12 Aug, 12.45 pm : Sis, your psp is slim or fat de...?

(I replied both i have, y?)

12 Aug, 12.46 pm : O... No la... Just asking if you wan sell how much for slim...? btw, wad colour?

(I replied black colour, no intention to sell. My sons are playing)

12 Aug, 12.48 pm : O.. ok ok cox i wan buy and play.. if on, i nothing to do at home.... do finish coursework then nothing...

(I replied that you used to have a black slim psp also, but you sold it away)

12 Aug, 12.50 pm : Ya, i sold it away to clear my ah long money previous de...

(I replied that so you have already owe the money so long ago liao...)

12 Aug, 12.53 pm : Ya, that's why I never go lion dance le... I just wan a psp to play... i sell my psp but still not enough money to pay back them that's why need to pay additional 500 dollar...

(I replied so you learnt your lesson and please keep away from those friends...)


From the smses, i can feel that you remorse about the money that you owe... but come to think of it, you have never explained why you need those money...and what you spent on? There was no explanation...

Now, you started to ask for money from me again, but your explanation on how and why you need the money is not valid....

I am sorry... I will not give you the money unless you tell me the truth, or let me go with you to pay for the things that you are buying....

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