June 30, 2008

Composition Writing

Yesterday afternoon, Dad bought 2 sets of McDonalds' Happy Meals for tea-break while we were on our way to the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre. GK were happy with the toy collection of Po, the panda and they made a request to have McDonalds' again for their dinner so that they could collect Tai Lung. Dad agreed.

So, around 8 pm, we went down to the restaurant and they collected the toys as what they had wanted. When we were done with the meal, I cleared the table and brought out the school assignments which GK had to complete over the weekend. It was on Composition writing.

In the previous 2 school terms, GK were supposed to look at the given picture and write 5 sentences. But starting this term, it is going to be challenging as they are required to look at the picture and write at least 50 words.

So this term's first assignment was a picture showing a family having a picnic at the beach. I coached K while Dad coahed G.

Here's an interesting dialogue between Dad, G and I when G was about to complete his writing:

G : Okay, Papa, I write finished.
D : But you need to have 50 words. Now got how many words?
G : Must count?
D : Ya, then you know how many words you have written.

So G started counting; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ......, 46, 47, 48.

G : Only 48.
D : Then, it' s not enough. Need to write some more words.
G : How many more words I need huh?
D : At least 2 more.
G : Orh. Then write 'That's all.'
I : How come you write 'That's all.'?
G : Papa said 2 more words. 'That's all" (as he counted his fingers), 2 words mah.
I : Cannot. This is about story writing, so you must end your story properly.
G : But I write all the things finished already (he meant he has already described about what all the people in the picture were doing), nothing to write already. So, that's all, can?

Dad and I looked at each other, and we laughed.

In the end, with Dad's help, G wrote another sentence with around 8 more words to end his story....

June 23, 2008

End of my June Vacation!

Today is the day for the school re-opening. That will mean also that I have to diligently supervise my kids' schoolwork liao... GK have been looking forward to this day, to meet their teachers and classmates, to have pocket money to spend buy food for recess, and also to go to the bookshop...I can feel their excitement!

I ended my June vacation with a trip to Malacca for our dept outing on 20 - 21 June. There were a total of 24 of us (some brought their families). Having travelled to Malacca for umpteen times and staying in only 3 - 4 star hotels, this trip's stay in Equatorial Hotel was my 1st time in a 5 star hotel. It is ideally situated beside the new shopping mall - Dataran Palawan, nearby to Mahkota Parade and also within walking distance to the Red Square and Jonker Street.

Upon arrival on the 1st day, the tour guide brought us to the Bee Farm. Then we had lunch (at our own cost) in the city area. Those stalls in kopi-shops sold delicious famous hor-funs, and for me, I tried the Hakka Yong Tau Foo. Cheap and good!

Around 2.30 pm, we checked in the hotel. All of us were allocated rooms in various , i.e. 10th, 11th, 13th and 14th floor.

At around 3 pm, most of them were already down at the lobby, ready to explore the city and shopping malls.

By 6.45 pm, we gathered at the lobby, waiting for our coach to bring us to Nyonya Suan for dinner. The dinner was a treat from my boss' own pocket, and the food served were nice also.

At 8.30 pm, most of us were already at Jonker Street for the night market. It took me 1 hour and 15 mins to cover the street. In between the walk, I did stop to look at the items that were on sale, especially those cute little hamsters and the doggies (eg. Pekinese, Shin Tzu, Chihuahua).
I also stopped for some while to watch the singing by some performers on the stage.

Before heading back to the hotel on foot, most of us went up to Carrefour to shop and get some cold beverages and snacks to bring back to the hotel room.

The next following day, between 8 am to 9 am, we had our buffet breakfast at the Seri Nyonya Restnt (3rd floor).

Upon checking out at 9.30 am, one of the colleagues who stayed on the 10th floor, mentioned that she was together in the lift with TCS stars - Xiang Yun, Edmund and their children, who were staying on the same floor as her. Too bad, we missed them as by then most of us were already in the coach, so didn't see them coming down...

We had a good morning walk near the Red Square to see the Melaka Tree, and also to see the St Paul's Church. Due to the hot sun, I noticed that after the climbing up and down the hill, everyone was already panting and perspire like hell....

Next we headed for the Tan Kim Hock to buy local products and then to Jonker Street for our own lunch. Most of us had lunch at the Ho Kee Chicken Rice and thereafter, some of us proceeded to No. 88 for our dessert - Chendol.

By 1.15 pm, we were all on our coach, ready to make our way back home. In between, we stopped at Yong Peng YoYo Local Products to take our toilet break, make our purchases for some more of the M'sia local products, eg. the Muar Otah-otah, Purple-colour Dragonfruit, etc.

We reached our office building at around 5.30 pm, and when everyone got off the bus, I could see the satisfaction looks for most of us, with their big and small bags of purchases... it was indeed 满载而归!

June 18, 2008

What a Wonderful Vacation!

Eagle Ranch Resort - Port Dickson

Went convoying with the Avante Club to the Eagle Ranch Resort, Port Dickson. There were a total of 10 cars joining in for this 3D2N trip.

The whole trip was relaxed, except for the hot sun....

Pictures can be found in this link:


A brief itinerary of what I had in this resort:

Day 1 :

2.30 pm - Arrived at the Resort, proceeded for Buffet Lunch at the Melting Pot
3.30 pm - Checked in to my room (first time staying in an airconditioned Bandwagon!)
6.30 pm - Gathered at the Melting Pot for Buffet Dinner
7.30 pm - Free & Easy
9.30 pm - Drove out to the somewhere near the town area for shopping (pasar malam!)
11.00 pm - Drove to a Bistro Cafe at the Tiara Beach Resort for Coffee and listening to Live Band
12 midnight - Return to Resort (zzzzzz)

Day 2 :

8.30 am - Gathered at the Melting Pot for Buffet Breakfast
9.45 am - Gathered at the Go Kart for the Go Kart Competition
11.00 am - Went for Archery
12.oo noon - Gathered at the Melting Pot for Buffet Lunch
1.30 pm - Assembled to have group photo taking before leaving to Nilai
2 .15 pm - Leave for Nilai to meet up with the members of the Avante Club of KL
3. 45 pm - Convoyed to Nilai 3 for shopping (Nilai 3 - similar to our local Geylang Serai)
7.00 pm - Convoyed back to Resort
7.30 pm - Gathered at the Poolside for a BBQ Buffet Dinner (yummy! The most delicious and fulfilling meal of the stay!)
10.00 pm - Gathered at the Watering Hole for Drinks and Card Games (chor-dai-di)
1.00 am - zzzzz

Day 3 :

8.30 am - Gathered at the Melting Pot for Buffet Breakfast
10.30 am - Departed for Genting on our own


For more information on the Eagle Ranch Resort:


15 June (Sunday)

12.30 pm - Arrived at Genting First World Hotel (met Gavin and his family, so coincidence!)
3.30 pm - Met up with Brother and SIL for hotel check-in (T2 #25-950)
6.00 pm - Had Buffet Dinner at Kampong Restnt, Resort Hotel
7.30 pm - Free & Easy at Monte Carlo Casino (met Henry, my ex-colleague. what a coincidence too!)
4.30 am - Queued up at the FWH Registration counter to take queue number to check in for my another room after 12 noon (so kia-su!) cos the room (#25-950) which I booked through the website was only available for a one-night stay, so have to book through AXS to get a room for my 2nd night stay
5.00 am - zzzzzz

16 June (Monday)

9.30 am - Breakfast at FWH Cafe
12.00 noon - Checked out
1.00 pm - Checked in another hotel room (T2 #27 - 805)
1.30 pm - Free & Easy at Casino
6.00 pm - Went Mushroom Farm for Dinner
8.00 pm - Free & Easy at Casino
3.00 am - zzzzzz

17 June (Tuesday)

9.30 am - Breakfast at FWH Cafe
11.00 am - Checked out
12.30 pm - Departed for Malacca
2.45 pm - Arrived at Malacca
3.00 pm - Lunch at Ho Kee Hainan Chicken Rice and No. 88 Jonker Street for Assam Laksa and Chendol (Very yummy yummy!)
5.00 pm - Shopped at Tan Kim Hock
5.30 pm - Departed for home
9.00 pm - Arrived at Home

To conclude, the 5-day trip was really relaxing and wonderful! Looking forward to my coming trip with my colleagues to Malacca on this Friday! Yippeee!

Great Holidays for June 2008!

June 10, 2008

Watched a Movie

On Sunday, Dad suggested to bring GK out for the 'Kung Fu Panda' movie when he saw them got so amazed by the advertisement in the TV.

So, yesterday, after work, I went over to the nearby cinema to buy the show tickets for the showtime at 8.45 pm. GK were feeling excited and looking forward for Dad to return from work so that they could go for the movie after that.

That was the 3rd movie that they had watched (in cinema) so far. I remembered the first movie was 'Happy Feet', and the 2nd was 'Ant Bully'. And it has been 2 years since they stepped into the cinema theatre...

The show was really very hilarious and entertaining. I had not been having such a good laugh for so long, and I could see that everyone enjoyed the show. The show was screened in English with Chinese subtitles, but as by now, both GK could understand the dialogues, hence, they laughed out very loud whenever there were humorous dialogues said by the characters.

Upon reaching home after the show, G was so eager about drawing out the characters in the show, that he spent about an hour on it, and by then, it was almost bedtime.......

June 6, 2008

Not Again?!?!?!

You called me yesterday at 10.45 am, but I hung up your call. I am showing you what I really mean. I may seemed 'heartless', but my intuition told me that something must be happening, you were going to ask me for help again, am I right?

True indeed, your mum called me this afternoon during her lunch break, informing me that your house has been ‘泼漆‘ this morning. Good lah, you get famous liao, the whole block of neighbours know your name... I believed your dad must be mad at you.

According to your mum, you said you do not have any more dealings with those people, and already settled all the debts with them. And now that the police are informed also...

I am really not sure how much truth you are telling to your family and me... but please be responsible for what you have done!


June 2, 2008

奕理表哥's Wedding Reception on 1 Jun 08

Attended my 表哥's wedding dinner last night and met up with all my long-time-never-see relatives. It was like a reunion...
It was also the first time for most of the relatives to meet my boys, so could feel their 'excitement' when they talked to my boys as they tried to 'spot the difference' in them...
Btw, I really don't have any impression of this 表哥...Don't have any childhood memories of him and don't remember he got attend my wedding 9 years ago also... : P