April 29, 2009

Good news!

2 good news today!

Number one - I found Meiru (Joanne Lim) through Patrick Wee in Facebook! She still looks the same (as seen in her photos).... Miss her.... miss the good old days with her and all my buddies.... miss the numerous chalet events we used to have....and the happy days....

Number two - Alicia is pregnant! Hurray! New additional to our group! Yippee! Gong Xi, Gong Xi!


April 27, 2009

DSTS/GSS Gathering on 25 Apr 09

Last Sat, I was honoured be invited for the Dunearn Sec Tech School's/Greenridge Sec Sch Scouts/Guides Gathering.

Thought some of my junior Guides from Bt View would be attending, but in the end, I was the only representative.

Nonetheless, the gathering was still great and happy! We ate, drank and chatted... Nice to get in touch with some of the scouts again, they were Lu Peng and his wife (Lily), Patrick Tan, Puay Jiang, Patrick Wee, Qingxiong, Freeman, Rex and his wife, Derick, Chaowei (now known as Yao Wei) and some of those junior scouts whom I first met at the gathering, namely, Parry and his wife, Alfred, and some I forgotten the names liao...

By the way, the lady sitting on my right is Lily, Lu Peng's wife... First time meeting her, very chatty... compatible with Lu Peng... : p
The whole lot of the guys actually went for karaoke at K-Box @ Cineleisure after the eating/drinking session... but unfortunately, no gals allowed, so the wives and girlfriends went home directly. For me, reached home around almost 11 pm, and slept early for the night, cos' of the Dragon Boat race on the next day!

April 23, 2009

Sickness Season for GK

On 12 April, G started falling ill - bad stomach flu...

After resting for 2 days, he recovered, and was able to attend the school excursion on a Maths Trail at the Changi Airport Terminal 3 on Wednesday. But on the night, he started vomitting and fever again.

There went another 2 more days of rest. So did not attend school for almost the whole week. K was kind as he came back daily from school, not only bringing back the books/homework for him, and also helping G to submit the homeworks on the next day... so sweet of him...

On Friday night, G has recovered, but in turn, K fell ill... Hence, only G was able to attend the swimming lesson on Sat and school on Monday and Tuesday.. but on Tuesday, after taking his English Oral Exam, he called up during his recess and reported that he was feeling tired, sleepy and feverish... and MIL fetched him home from the school, and the doctor covered G with another 4 days of medical leave....Whereas at that time, K was recovering, and he went back to school yesterday for his MT Oral Exam. Whoo... it's really a period of taking turns to get ill and recovering, isn't it?

By tomorrow, hope G will recover, as it is the last day for him to take his MT Oral Exam...otherwise, he will be marked as 'Absent with Valid Reason', but not too sure this will affect his overall exam marks or not....

Yesterday got new findings! I was helping G and K to towel dry their wet hair, and I realised that both of them have grown taller again... now they are already at my chin level! Going to catch up with my height soon mann... and in few year's time, I would probably have to look up at them to talk to them liao.... hahaha....

April 16, 2009

K's Youtube Video on his Paper Kunai

Here's another posting of K's 2nd episode of his Youtube video.

This time, G helped him with the opening introduction and K gave the instructions on how to fold a Paper Kunai as used in the Naruto show.



Random Posts....

Was supposed to look forward for the long weekend holiday on last Friday, but who knows on Tues (7 Apr), Laogong came back home from work and said that he would be on standby on the next day (Wed), and might need to fly to Weihai, China, to settle some work issues...

Wednesday was a public holiday for the M'sians cos' of their Ah Gong's birthday, and Laogong was so 'lucky' lor... to receive a call from his company on his confirmed flight for that night...so he took the midnight flight from Singapore to Beijing, duration of 6 hours... then waited for another 5 hours plus in Beijing Airport to board the domestic flight to WeiHai.

Btw, WeiHai is in the north-east of the ShanDong province... and hey, ShanDong, it sounded so familiar liao... because of its Peanuts...hahaha...

Friday (10 Apr), though was a Good Friday, but was tiring for me and half of my days gone for praying the 清明. Woke up at 5.30 am, and met my brothers-in-law at the 碧山亭 to pray and pay respects to the Kok family ancestors...Then at 8 am, illegally parked my car along the Lornie Road to wait for my brother and Gu-gu as they were inside the Bt Brown cemetery to pray to my late-step-grandfather. Then by 9.30 am plus was back in Bt Batok, for breakfast, whilst waiting for brother and Gu-gu to prepare for the prayer stuff to offer to my late-grandparents in the Seh Ong Charity located at Bt Batok St 23.

When reached room, was about 12 noon already... Then quickly took a shower and plonked myself to my comfortable bed and napped for almost 4 hours...

In the evening, MIL was 'on strike', a no-cooking-evening for her... so we decided to go to Jurong Point to have dinner and do some shoppings. And by 9.30 pm, we were dog-tired after the long hours mad-shopping, especially at the John Little which was having a 20% storewide sale, and bought 2 Bakugan Sling Bags, Mattress Protectors, a Bolster and Pillow.


On Saturday (11 Apr), GK attended their swimming lessons and had a good fun playing on the water slides with Totti, their new friend, from the same swimming group.


Sunday (12 Apr) was a marketing day. GK volunteered to stay at home to sleep. So MIL and I went from 8 - 10 am to the Jurong West Market and in the afternoon, was house-chores day...

But just at around 11.30 pm plus, G woke up from his sleep and vomitted, then at 3.30 am, had a diarrhoea...he kena stomach flu.....


On Tuesday (14 Apr), Laogong was back from China and reached home at 7.20 am. Still kind of him to offer to send me to work first, then go for breakfast on his own...


Yesterday (15 Apr) was an excursion day for GK's class. G has been absent from school for the past 2 days, and was happy to see his classmates again. I was invited to parent-volunteer to take care of the class, so took a day's leave to join in the excursion to Changi Airport Terminal 3 for a Maths Trail.

Was checking with GK's form teacher about the class attendance for the past 2 days and was told that on Monday and Tuesday, there were 5 and 9 absentees respectively... all kena Stomach Flu... Aiyo...so contagious one..

G was well during the excusion, and probably after the whole trip from 9 - 1 pm, walking and running around the T3, we were so exhausted, that Keith and me caught our nap from 2 - 4 pm. Between 4.30 - 6 pm, Teacher Joyce came for their Chinese Tuition. And by 6.15 pm, G cannot 'dong' anymore, and he slept till 8.30 pm, and only eating 3 mouthful of rice, took his shower and plonked back on his bed again... At 11.30 pm, he started to vomit again, and diarrhoe... there went again...the stomach flu... haiz.... poor boy....


April 1, 2009

K's Video in Youtube

Past 1 week has been very busy, with the clearing of office for my outgoing and incoming bosses .... Really no time to 'seriously' sit down and update this blog... Coming soon will be the updating of my ZhuHai trip from 17 - 21 March...

In the meantime, managed to help K upload a video of his latest interest in origami - How to Fold A Paper Shuriken (he insisted that i must name the video using this title):


I'll be back right soon!

: )