September 29, 2008

Dinner Appointment on 24 Sep 08

On last Wednesday, our family planned to have dinner at the 世纪村海鲜鱼头炉 located at the French Road, but unfortunately, upon reaching the destination, we realised that it was closed for business on that day, haiz... should have called up the shop first, then wouldn't have wasted our trip there...One lesson learnt - despite the fact the website did not mention about its operation hours, it is still safer to call up to check that they are open for business before making the trip down..

So we had to change our plan and eat at the Zhou's Kitchen in Anchorpoint which my hubby has longed to try out whenever he passes by Alexandra Road..

Photos :

Our reviews:

1) The ambience was good; it has 2 storeys, and we sat at the 1st storey... small place but quiet and classy;
2) The staff were very friendly; maybe it was a weekday, not many customers, so the service was fast, and we even have chance to chit chat with the captain/manager;
3) The food prices were reasonable;
4) Serving portion was just right for the 5 of us;
5) The vegetable soup dish (苋菜三蛋)was our favourite; the soup/gravy was tasty, when cooked with salted egg, century eggs and eggs;
6) MIL commended on the 红糟鸡,she enjoyed the dish because it tasted like a home-cooked dish, and the gravy was well-cooked and tasty;
7) I liked the 咕噜肉 and its sweet-sourish taste was very appetizing..
8) My sons also fancied the 1-foot-long and crispy spring roll and the 杨州炒饭.

Total expenditure : $95

In conclusion, we will return to this restaurant again to try out their hi-tea buffets or set menus...

September 17, 2008

Hearing Loss due to Ageing Problem

Yesterday morning, I took a day's leave to bring mother for her medical review at the Queenstown Polyclinic at Stirling Road.

It has been almost a year since we last visit this psychiatrist, Dr Kua. In view that mother has not been encountering any relapse being medication-free, hence, this visit was just a procedure to renew mother's 'open-date' entry so that if she were to relapse again within the next 1 year (touch-wood)... then she would still be able to enjoy subsidised rate for her consultation and medical fees...
But in this visit, Dr Kua, brought up the issue that mother may be suffering from hearing loss due to old age. This is because when he conversed with mother, mother seemed not to be able to hear or understand what he said... and in the event, she 答非所问. He was worried that this hearing impairment may result to any misunderstanding and inconvenience between mother and the family members or when she meet outsiders...

So, he suggested to refer mother to see ENT. He helped us called up Alexandra to make an appt in the afternoon to see the ENT.

We arrived at Alexandra on time. The lady doctor checked my mother's ears using a scope, wow, she found her ears all stuff with waxes... So she used equipment like forceps to pull out the hardened waxes and used the vacuum to suck out those not-so-harden waxes...and the whole duration took about 20 mins...
After that, mother was directed to the Audio room to do a hearing test.
The result was unfavourable... the minimum level of sounds that mother could hear was the sound level that when we speak normally... but she will not be able to know exactly what words we say... she would not be able to hear sounds softer than our normal speaking tone, just like losing the sensitivity to soft or faint sounds... In order for her to know what we are saying to her, she would need to look into our face and mouth (lip-read)...and this is what have been happening... but we didn't notice over these years....
The suggestion was to get her a hearing aid, but it is not cheap... The doctor says it ranges from min $1000 over....and if mother does not want to put it on, it would be a waste of money also...
So, in the meantime, we will try to lead as normal, just that we have to speak louder to her and look at her into her eyes when speaking....
Seeing the conditions of my parents now, i think ageing is really no joke... so many problems will come... hearing loss, arthritis, diabetics, decreasing eyesight, grey/white hairs.....
I don't want to get old................I need to find the 长生不老药!


今年的中秋节(农历八月十五)过得跟以往不同, 几乎不视这个节日的重要意义,根本没那个时间或闲情去烘月饼或为孩子们选购漂亮的灯笼。。。

反而,整个星期的时间都是在为哥哥张罗他结婚前后所需的准备。。。从安床, 结婚当天(凌晨时分)拜天公, 大伯公和祖先的祭品, 梳头的仪式, 迎娶新娘进门后的敬茶仪式,招呼亲戚朋友等等。。。真是忙得不亦乐乎。。。

星期六晚上,大姑,四姑和我都相约抵达哥哥家,帮忙搓汤圆和准备祭品,大约十一点多就开始一样一样的摆好,准备拜天公, 之后就到楼下烧金纸。。。过后就拜大伯公和祖先。 搞到来已经大概一点半了。收拾一番后,就继续准备7点的梳头仪式所需的东西,直到2点多,我,哥哥和大嫂因为太累了,所以便先睡觉了。。。


7点,爸妈就为哥哥先梳头,接着也为大嫂梳。我的任务就是站在一旁念‘一梳 梳到尾,二梳 白发齐眉,三梳 子孙满堂’。

接着,大嫂就出门,直下楼,上了好友美珠阿Huat的车,直奔她的朋友家, 准备化妆和穿婚纱,等待哥哥来迎接。

9点45分,哥哥已经把大嫂给迎娶了进来。在给祖先上香和给我爸妈敬茶后, 由于时间还早,亲戚朋友还没到齐,所以决定去小桂林拍拍一些外景。。。



大约一点钟,等到大家都吃饱后,敬茶仪式就开始了。。。我这个头一次做小姑的,也还是生平第一次负责倒茶和端茶的任务, 间中趣事一箩箩;例如不知道要倒多少茶才对,还有明明坐着的长辈只有两位,可是我因为贪方便就一次过倒了3或4杯茶一齐端给哥哥和大嫂,结果惹来一阵小骚动,被长辈们阻止,要我立即把其中的一两个茶杯拿掉。。。哈哈哈


哥哥,恭喜你! 看到你成家了,我好替你开心!姑姑们也可以放下了心头大石,我的耳根也可以清静了!自从大嫂来了以后,你的心情也变得开朗和活泼了很多。 看得出大嫂也很爱你,很全心全意的照顾你和爸妈的起居饮食,把家里打理得紧紧有条。


September 10, 2008

Genting Holidays (7 - 9 Sep)

This vacation was on 7 - 9 Setember 08. As both me and my hubby have received complimentary stay at Genting, hence we decided to bring the family for the holiday.
The journey started off at 4 am on 7 Sept. We stopped for breakfast at Yong Peng at 5.30 am and at 6am, departed for Genting. By 8.45 am, we have already parked our car in the First World Hotel's B4 carpark...

More photos :

For this trip, GK were both not fascinated by the theme parks anymore... they just wanted to go to the Arcade as they were able to win/redeem toys, softtoys, and bolsters...

For the adults, we enjoyed the weather so much...throughout the 3 days when we were there... my goodness... it could go down to 12 degree celsius in the night, and we were already shivering like mad...


Farrer Friends United - Part 2

Ever since the 1st gathering on 29 Aug 08, everyone got so excited about meeting up more friends... and for the next following few days, the msn chat room was overwhelmed when almost 7 or 8 of us were chatting at the same time... and the conversation just went on until 1 or 2 am plus...zzzzzzzzz

In the end, on Wednesday, we decided to set up another gathering on that Friday and meet face-to-face at Mr Bean (Selegie Rd)... but my email was kinda short notice, so the response was not good... only James, Eilena, Jeremy and Frankie could make it...

On Thursday, I had to call off the gathering due to the poor response.

But who knows on Friday morning, Jeremy smsed the few of us to proceed with gathering and Eilena suggested to change the venue to The Rail Mall...

And there we were, meeting up from 6 pm onwards, had dinner at Let's Claps... Complimentary meal from Jeremy...

Thereafter, we went back to The Coffee Bean and continued to chit chat. I brought along my autograph books and managed to trace and contact a few of our classmates.

We sat till around 12 am plus when Charlton came and joined us after his work.

Then at around 1.30 am, I left with my hubby and the gang proceeded with their chit chatting until 6 am.... Wow, really marvelous!

More photos:

The Farrer group is showing good results as our members are increasing... we have found quite some more classmates, eg. Diana, Weiwei, Peiqian, Mavis, Ronnie Chieung (in Hong Kong), etc.

I am still in search of my form teacher, Mrs G C Chia and have delegated this task to James to knock on Mrs Chia's door this afternoon... but unfortunately, there was no one at home... Hopefully, Mrs Chia is still living there and could respond to James (he left a namecard and message at the door).

Good effort!

Afternote: James made another trip on the 12 Sep 08 and left a letter in Mrs Chia's mailbox... Mrs Chia called me up on the night itself after receiving the letter... Hurray!

September 2, 2008

Skate at East Coast Park - 31 Aug

Spent about an hour skating at East Coast Park, and the experience was so challenging...

We had not even mastered the going up and down slopes, and here we were, trying to do it on our own....

Of course, there were falls here and there, but I felt proud that the kids weren't scared off by these barriers... Hope that we will master our skills and techniques within the next few lessons and be able to skate freely and gracely in this park...

Farrer Friends United

First Farrer gathering!
Although the turnout wasn't good, only the 4 of us, but we still had a good time...

We started our meeting at the new old town cafe (bt timah) at 9 pm, and by 11 pm, and shifted over to Beauty World Centre's Mac to continue our 叙旧.

After the 20 years of separation, we really had so much to catch up, to bring back our fond memories, and teased at ourselves as well as our classmates... and we only ended our this gathering at about 3.45am...

The next gathering should receive better response as our facebook members are increasing...