December 15, 2008

Day Trip to Sungai Rengit aka 四湾岛

A few days ago, my hubby was having this idea of leading a convoy to Sungai Rengit. So, on Saturday night, he proposed to bring whole family in to Sungai Rengit for a day trip, eat seafood and at the same time to recee the various places of interests in order to share the information with his club's members.

The next day, everyone of us woke up at 10 am... blamed it on the rainy and cozy weather... we did not realise that it was already so late the moment we opened up our eyes...

Without haste, we got ready and set off at around 11.30 am, but was caught in a massive traffic jam at both the Woodlands and JB checkpoints.

By the time, we cleared the JB checkpoint, it was already 1 pm...lucky we were prepared with our breads, crackers and some foodstuff, thus, managed to tahan our hunger all the way for the 2-hour ride to Sungai Rengit.

Some background info about Sungai Rengit and why we chose this place:

1. This is a small fishing village, located in the southeastern part of Johore, with just about another 30 min ride down from Desaru, and it is within the zone of Kota Tinggi;

2. This town is still very kampong-like, which I would describe as just like our 70's in Singapore; and the central of this town is where you find majority of the seafood restaurants clustered together;

3. My father-in-law used to come here very often some more than 10 to 20 years ago, as he had friends here, whom they would always go together for fishing and wild boar hunting;

4. One of his friends owns a restaurant here, Yoou Kee Seafood Restaurant;

5. My mother-in-law also has a good friend (a friend whom she known in the temple, I called her Er-Mama), who owns a durian plantation here; and we have been invited twice to her plantation to savour the durians, rambutans, bananas, mangosteens, etc. The last trip we came in to Sungai Rengit was in 2005, I think;

6. One of our distant relatives (my husband's 大舅母's sister) is still residing in this village, and she sells the well-known laksa in Sungai Rengit;

So, whenever we come to this town, we feel very relaxed, comfortable and safe...

Okay, by 3 pm, we reached the Yoou Kee Restaurant, and were welcomed by the lady boss (I called her 'auntie'), who was also my mother-in-law's good friend. Look at her, she's only 39 years old lei, and she has 4 children, aged 15, 14, 13 and 11. Very good life liao lor...

I only knew that the Jade Garden Restaurant (next to Yoou Kee) was awarded commendation by the the Mediacorp's food programme, hosted by Michelle Chia and Adrian Pang some years back. So we were happy when we see Yoou Kee also been awarded by the recent Channel U's programme '都是大发现' and the M'sian programme '第8度空间'.

The seafood restaurants in Sungai Rengit are mostly well-known for their baby lobsters and crabs. And this is one of my favourite dish... steamed baby lobsters with egg and garnished with garlics and spring onions... juicy and sweet, yummy....
After a heavy seafood lunch, I chanced upon the mobile 客家豆花 push-cart... I bought 2 tubs, each cost RM 1.20. I queried the vendor about the uniqueness of his Hakka Dao-Huay, and he claimed that the Dao-Huay is home-made... After reaching home, I kept my Dao-Huays in the fridge, and only took out to eat last night at around 11.45 pm. Ummm...

Next, we set off to the Ostrich Farm, which was just 2-min car ride away from the town, to enquire on their activities available for the larger group. We were informed that there will be a 45-min guided tour provided, photo takings with the ostrich, tasting of ostrich-meat food such as satay, burgers, purchasing of ostrich products, etc. The entrance fee is RM10 (adult), RM6 (child between 2 - 12 years old). For kids, they will also be able to ride on the ostrich for photo taking.
After that, we left Sungei Rengit and drove for about another 20 mins to the Desaru Fruit Farm. In there, they also provide 1.5 hour guided tour to their fruit farms, and I din know that there were also a mini zoo within the farm, fish pond, agricultural gallery within the farm until I saw the brochure for the group package, which cost RM18 (adult), RM12 (child between 3 - 12 years old). This package comes with a complimentary packet of fruit platters for each and everyone.
We left Desaru Fruit Farm at about 5.20 pm, and headed for another 20-min car ride to the Crocodile World. After chatting with the boss, I found out here also got provide 30-min guided tour, and we will be able to see 1000 over crocodiles in the farm. Wow, 1000 over crocodiles leh... no wonder on the brochure, it claims to be the largest crocodile farm in the Peninsula Malaysia. The entrance fee for this farm is RM8 (adult) RM4 (child).
And at the entrance of this farm, I made my virgin attempt to hold a baby crocodile in my hands...
We left the farm at around 6.10 pm, and departed for home... Luckily the traffic condition was smooth at the both the checkpoints... phew... and we were already reached home by 8.30 pm... just in time for me to take shower and catch my ‘超级星光4’ at 9 pm....
Some other photos that were taken during this recee trip:

December 13, 2008

Swimming Lesson 2 - 13 Dec 08

This morning, GK attended their 2nd swimming lesson. There was a 5-year old boy joining their group starting today.

Took some photos of their lesson.

Say 'cheesee'........

This is K. Posturing looks like ready for indian dance... hahaha

This is G, taking instruction from Uncle Richard in correcting his posture.....

Submerging and learning to kick....

A picture with their classmate, Glay. Oops! G's swimsuit looks a bit tight lei....

December 10, 2008

Malacca Trip (8 Dec 08)

It was initially a convoy trip to Muar for durian feast, but due to the shortage of durian supply for this season, our destination has to be changed to Malacca...

On a rainy Monday (Haji Raya Haji), we woke at at 6.30 am, and assembled at the Woodlands Town Garden at 8 am.

There were a total of 8 cars, a group of 23 people, for this trip.

The traffic at both the customs were smooth and we stopped over at Yong Peng (Exit 241) for breakfast. We tried the Uncle Tan's 纯正西刀鱼丸面. We don't find the fishballs fantastic at all, except for that they were chewy and rubberish, not much of fish meat taste at all.. and the soup was bland....

At about 12.40 pm, we arrived at one of the convoy member's parents' house in Malacca. By the time we reached there, the villagers have already started with the slaughtering of the calf, so we were in time to only see and take photos of the process of cutting up of the body parts, the meat and removing of the organs...Whew, it was an eye-opener to be able to stand so close to witness this event.

Some information about Hari Raya Haji:
Hari Raya Haji is celebrated one day after Haj pilgrims converge on Arafat in Mecca, the Islamic Holy Land, to perform the major rites of the annual pilgrimage. This falls on the tenth day of Zulhijjah, the 12th month of the Muslim calendar. Hari Raya Haji is a day to commemorate this religious occasion, and to honour pilgrims who have completed their Haj to Mecca. It’s a joyous affair, filled with festivities and cheer to welcome the return of the assiduous pilgrims. The highlight of the occasion is the sacrifice of an animal as a mark of gratitude to Allah (God).

Literally translated into English, Hari Raya Haji simply means the 'festival of pilgrimage'. The fifth tenet of Islam requires all Muslims to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia at least once in their lifetime, if they can afford it. The Prophet Mohammed was born there. Male pilgrims are given the titles of “Haji” for men and “Hajjah” for women and all are entitled to wear a white headdress upon completion. Thus for many of our Muslim friends, the pilgrimage, commonly known as the Haj, is probably the most important journey in their lives.

Korban means sacrifice. The day is celebrated with the slaughter of an animal, such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed to commemorate the readiness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), to sacrifice his willing son Ishmael to Allah (God). This commemorative 'Feast of Sacrifice' (called Eid Al-Adha in Arabic or AidilAdha) is practiced throughout the Islamic world. This occasion is also named Hari Raya Korban - the festival of sacrifice. This is typically done in the mosque, after the morning Thanksgiving prayers are offered. Though not a compulsory religious duty for everyone, it’s considered an obligation for those who can afford it. Of the meat obtained, one-third is traditionally kept by those who performed the slaughter, while the rest is distributed. The recipients include neighbours, friends and most importantly – the poor and needy. Later part of the day is visiting friends and relatives. It is customary for Muslims to hold "open-house" for friends and relatives where a wide selection of traditional Malay food is served.

(Extracted from :

At about 1.40 pm, we headed to the Malacca town and assembled at the new shopping mall - Dataran Palawan. Thereafter, we dispersed for our own lunch and shopping.
Our family had lunch at the Seri Nyonya Restaurant in Hotel Equatorial.

Entrance of the Seri Nyonya restaurant

We spent about RM120 on 5 dishes plus 2 chendol desserts... We found the food so-so only and a bit steep... Still prefer the cookings from our frequent-patronised restaurant - Makko (麦哥), which was just across the street..

At around 5 pm, we went to Tan Kim Hock to buy some local products and it has been a great oppportunity to chat and take picture with the owner before the rest of the crowd came up to take their turns.
A short write-up found from the web:
TAN KIM HOCK had very humble beginnings. In the early 1930s, he was seen peddling around town selling dodol -- a soft candy made of, among others, coconut milk, rice starch, gula Melaka and some spices. After much perseverence, he set up a shop in 1939.
Today, he has huge outlets in Malacca that sell more than 100 types of foodstuff. Much of the raw materials are grown in his own estates and products are made in his own factories.
Recently, he built a complex -- which includes a hotel -- Wisma Tan Kim Hock and a huge sales centre catering to tourists in order to concentrate his interests. In addition, his products are being exported to countries in the region as well as in the West.

My MIL asked me how old is Tan Kim Hock...I dunno... couldn't find much info about him.. will ask him in my next visit...hehehe....

Next, we made our way to the Jonker Street to place order for about 20 boxes of pineapple tarts from the Bibik's House. Instead of wasting our time to wait for the tarts, we went to have dinner at a nearby restaurant suggested by the shopowner.

At around 9 pm, after collecting our pineapple tarts, we departed Malacca and headed back to Singapore.

It was supposed to be a 2.5 - 3 hours journey, but for that night, it took us 6.5 hours to reach home... mainly due to heavy traffic at the Tuas 2nd Link's custom.... and it was already 3.30 am on Tuesday when we stepped into our house....*tired*

Luckily my hubby and I have taken leave for yesterday, and that left our whole family to be able to have a very good and soundly sleep till 1 pm in the afternoon.... hahaha....

More photos on the Malacca Trip:

Mimosa (含羞草)

On Sunday evening after returning from a shopping trip at Katong, we incidentally chanced upon the Mimosa plants among the grass patch just next to the rubbish chute...

I pointed out the plant to GK, and they were amazed by its name 'Touch-Me-Not'... We attempted to touch the leaves, and GK was so thrilled over the reactions that they saw..The leaves just closed up immediately GK touched on them...

As they were searching and playing with the plants, I started to reminisce about how I used to play with these plants during my kampong days together with my neighbours; where we would step and touch all the leaves that we could find among the grass patches without being being pricked by the stems, and challenged on the collections of the nice light purple flowers... I am now beginning to laugh at myself being so '天真无邪’during my childhood days... hahaha!

Mimosa pudica is well known for its rapid plant movement. In the evening the leaflets will fold together and the whole leaf droops downward. It then re-opens at sunrise. This type of motion has been termed nyctinastic movement. The leaves also close up under various other stimuli, such as touching, warming, or shaking. The stimulus can also be transmitted to neighbouring leaves. These types of movements have been termed seismonastic movements. The movement is caused by "a rapid loss of pressure in strategically situated cells that cause the leaves to droop right before one’s eyes".

Swimming Lessons has started!

Finally, GK started their swimming lessons...

Ever since they were 5 years old, I have already thought of enrolling them for swimming, but this plan was dragged on until finally, last Saturday, we realised it!

I enrolled them with the Happy Fish Swim School and had their lessons conducted at the Jurong West Sports and Recreation Centre.

There were 4 children in the class, GK, Glay (their school classmate), and another boy from Xingnan Pri. Uncle Richard, the swimming instructor, was child-friendly, as he was able to play and joke with them throughout that one hour lesson.

I was happy that by the end of the first lesson, G has overcome his fear in submerging his head into the water...

At the end of the lesson, I gathered feedback from GK that they enjoyed the swimming lesson and looking forward for the next one...

Great attempt!

Website for the school:

Website for the swimming location:

December 2, 2008

Trip to JB on Sunday

Last Sunday, my hubby had 2 wedding reception to attend to in Johor Bahru. Both were his colleague's weddings. It was pouring very heavily along the highway when we were on our way to the first wedding reception which was located nearby Perlin Mall.

Home-cooked food for the buffet reception
Tentage set-up for the makan

We were supposed to attend another one in Gelang Patah, but after this first one, we were already full and by then it was about 2 pm plus, so my hubby decided to pass the ang pow to another colleague who was going to that 2nd wedding reception.
And then, we went to here:

Sutera Mall - This is a very big and new 2-storey shopping complex. It is located in 五福城. According to my hubby, this estate is considered a rich people's estate, comparable to our Orchard area. Along the way and nearby the shopping mall, I saw a lot of beautiful terrace houses....
This shopping mall had a very big open car-park, free parking and it was almost full when we were there around 3 pm... I supposed there is also basement car park available too.
Some of the shops found inside were 美珍香,香味肉干,Ajisen, Secret Recipe, Carrefour, Breadtalk, Summit, Bata, boutiques , etc. There was also a trendy zones which sell those trendy and colourful clothings more suitable for those teens and youngsters...
I noticed that the crowd in this shopping mall are 90% made up of Chinese... not many Malays here, unlike the Plentong Giant or Tebrau Jusco.
As time was running short, we only grab some grocery from Carrefour, then went for desserts and coffee at Secret Recipe and then set off for home via the 2nd link.
As usual, my hubby would pump petrol at the Esso kiosk, then that was where we bought 2 packets of very delicious putu mayam (steam bee hoon to be eaten with brown sugar and coconut).
Though we were stuck in the traffic jam for about an hour, but lucky we were entertained by our tv-handphone, so could still enjoy watching the repeat telecast of the Mediacorp 45 years anniversary programme...
By 6 pm plus, we were already at home, savouring the putu mayam.

December 1, 2008

November Birthday Gathering (30 Nov 08)

I was looking forward to this day, to have a gathering with my buddies and our kids.

As planned, we have steamboat dinner, and cake for the evening.

I believed we, the mothers, enjoyed ourselves as much as the kids do... We have yummy food, a round of mahjong, and eating the delicious ice cream cake from Swensons.

At the end of the day, I reflected upon the good times that was spent, and was so happy that now our kids are grown up and easier to take care of, we could get-together again more often just like how and what we used to do in almost 10 years ago....

Farrer Gathering 6 - Swenson's @ Marina Square

On 28 Nov, there was another Farrer gathering. This time round, almost half of the members were newbies...

1) Aaron - This guy only joined Farrer in Primary 6. He was transferred from another primary school to Farrer. And in Primary 6, he did not pass his PSLE and got to repeat another year. He was the only guy who has been in contact with Addy since school days up till now.

2) Addy - Though he was only same class with me in Primary 4, but he left a very deep impression on me, because he was quite a rebellious boy in his school days and I used to pity his old father who had to come to school often to see the teacher and keep an eye on him...Addy informed that his dad passed away when he was in Primary 6... I wasn't aware of that cos' in Primary 6, we were in different class. For the past 1.5 years, he has been working in Shanghai, and just last 2 weeks ago, he quitted the job and returned to our homeland. Now still sourcing for a job and is still staying in 420 Bt Batok.

3) Kunlong - I could hardly remember him being in same class as me, but maybe in Primary 5, we did. He now owns 3 boutiques called Collage.

4) Kartini - She was a prefect and a hardworking girl in school. In our batch, only 2 girls went St Margarets; she and Wanqing. During the gathering, she recounted an incident which she felt guilty about in our Primary 5. It was during a 2nd Languague test/exam paper, when she spotted a group of her classmates passing erasers around, she reported to the teacher. After she raised that incident, everyone had a good laugh, cos' I was among one of those who was caught in the cheating act, and we were helping Frankie with the answers for his Chinese papers... hahaha
In the gathering, she also mentioned about how Mrs Chia has greatly influenced her to become a teacher, and now here she is, a Malay teacher in West Grove Primary School.

5) Noorshaldiana - She has turned up for 3 gatherings, and I don't ever remember spoken much to her during school days, cos' she was the tallest girl in our classs, and I was the shortest... hence, we hardly mix with each other...but in these recent meet-ups, we sort of like closen our gaps, and clicked very well. I find her very friendly and sociable.

6) James - Our 6th gatherings together now. I could remember him well as a classmate of mine, but don't remember much that we clicked a lot in school days. Cos' he was staying in Leedon Heights then and he was always together with Frankie and those staying in the blocks near our school. He is a nice and helpful guy, and his fiancee, Evonne, is very friendly too. They are both tying their knot next month and holding their wedding banquet on 8 March 2009 at the Meritus Mandarin.

This gathering was great.. more to come in the next months....

Photos :

Daddy's Birthday

Last Thursday was Daddy's birthday, GK and I went to our neighbourhood Bengawan Solo to buy a cake. On the way to the cakeshop, we were discussing about what cake to choose for Dad, and GK immediately responded, 'Chocolate cake. Papa likes to eat chocolate cake.'

So when we reached the cake shop, they started to look at the cakes that were displayed in the fridge shelf and at the same time, reading the labels which were placed in front of the each cake.

K pointed to a Chocolate Gateau and said that we should buy that, but G said that we should get the other Chocolate Gateau, he added, 'This one bigger, we can eat more pieces'.

So, with everyone's consent and agreement, we bought the large Chocolate Gateau.

Actually, for the past 2 years, we have been almost eating this Chocolate Gateau for all of our birthdays. We like this cake as it is made from butter cream... but this time, GK's appetite has increased and they are beginning to order larger cake...They take after their Daddy - a cake-lover!

Happy Birthday to you, Daddy!
More photos :