November 25, 2008

Batam Trip (22-23 Nov 08)

Last Saturday, our family went for a short trip to Batam together with 大姨妈,姨丈,三姨妈 and 二婶. There were a total of 9 of us.

I have been to Batam for a couple of times but were all for a one-day trip, together with my colleagues for company outings. So this time, I got to experience an overnight stay on Batam island. Thanks to 二叔. 二叔 owns a shipyard company in Batam and has been in here for almost 10 years. So, this is sort of like an invitation from him to play host and show us around in Batam.

We gathered at the Harbourfront at 8 am, purchased the ferry tickets at Level 3, and had morning breakfast while waiting for our time to check in for the 9.20 am ferry.
GK's first ferry trip to Batam!
We alighted at the Sekupang Ferry Terminal by around 9.30 am (Batam time), 二叔 and his friend (a private taxi driver) were already at the Arrival Hall waiting for us. As it was still early for hotel check-in, he invited us to his house for a drink and take a short rest.
二叔's house and his Lexus!
At 11 am (Batam time), we checked in at Hotel Harmoni and at 12 noon (Batam time) we were treated for a fabulously delicious seafood lunch, which we sat and ate for almost the full 2 hours.
After that, we went for our shopping trip in one of the biggest shopping mall in Batam - the Nagoya Hill. All of us had a good buy for toys, clothings and shoes within this shopping mall. The clothings and toys were cheap.... and GK were thrilled with all the Naruto stuff that they could buy from this shopping mall; toys, school bags, slippers, wallets, sweat bands, etc... My hubby also bought quite a number of pieces of bermudas and home-wear casual t-shirts... The t-shirts were like costing about S$2.50 - S$4.00 per piece.

After the shopping trip, we went back to the hotel to rest and at about 8 pm (Batam time), we were treated to bbq fish and durians and some of the local delights in Batam.

On the next day, after having our complimentary breakfast in the hotel, we went out the the nearby market as MIL wanted to buy the sea cucumber, ikan bilis and dried shrimps. However, she dropped the idea after 二叔commented that those good quality stuff are already exported to other countries, so what was left in Batam area would not be those superior quality that she was looking for.... and in the end, MIL bought smelly beans (臭豆)from the market instead.
We checked out early from the hotel at around 11 am (Batam Time), and loaded our luggages and stuff into the cars and went to Batam Centre Ferry Terminal to book our ferry timing which is for 3.30 pm (Batam Time), and then continued to spend the 3 hours plus to shop around and had lunch at the Mega Mall which is just opposite the ferry terminal.
We arrived at the Harbourfront at 6 pm and by 7 pm, we were already home sweet home, and unpacking our luggages....
Pictures taken during the trip:

Last Week's Skating Lesson - 20 Nov 08

Last Thursday's skating lesson was also another challenge for everyone of us...

Spin-stop... woooo... it looked simple and easy... but when we tried, we weren't flexible Add Videoenough to turn swiftly as what the instructor has demonstrated.... haiz.... Tough act.....

This coming Thursday will be the last lesson for our Level 3, and we will be learning Parallel Turn... The skills to be learnt in this level are just too difficult and challenging for us... looks like have to defer Level 4 until we have fully mastered all those skills learnt from Level 1 to 3...

November 18, 2008

BookFest @ Suntec City

As we were not able to make it for the BookFest at Suntec City on Sunday, so yesterday, I took half day leave to go with GK.

This was the first time GK attended such an event, they were amazed by the wide range of books that were displayed in the exhibition hall.

They spent most of their time in the English books section, browsing through their favourite comics and readers. As most of the books were offered with 20% discount, hence at the end of the day, we spent about $47 for 11 books....

This is the only Chinese story book that they picked.

Subway Melt for Tea-time at the Raffles City Marketplace

A Relaxed Sunday Afternoon!

On Sunday noon, Andy jeo for Dim Sum Lunch at the Padang Restaurant at the Singapore Recreation Club.

After the meal, we wanted to go to Suntec City to say 'Hello' to Dino who was doing a Roadshow there, and at the same time to visit the BookFest. But in the end, we did not enter Suntec because of the long traffic jam with cars all waiting to get in to the car park.

So, MIL proposed to go to Clementi to trim her hair. Dad was craving for his Blackforest from Coffee Bean so we drove to the Rail Mall.

While Dad was busy exploring and connecting his WIFI on HTC Diamond, we were busy cam-whoring.... hahaha....

What a relaxing Sunday afternoon we had!

First Visit to the Marina Barrage

Last Friday, joined hubby to the Avante club meet-up at Kallang. From there, we convoyed to the Marina Barrage to meet up with Verna Club members.

Marina Barrage - our Singapore's 15th reservoir and the first reservoir in the city of the heart, which was just opened in 1 November.

For more information:

A good view of the Singapore Flyer!

Cheezeess to Avante Club members! This is taken in the Gallery Cafe within the Marina Barrage, owned by Uncle Lim, a Verna Club member.

Inline Skating Level 3 - Lessons Resumed

6 Nov was the starting of our skating lesson for Level 3. Unfortunately, G was not feeling well on that evening, so we insisted that he should stay at home to rest.

We started off with the revising of skills learnt in Level 1 and Level 2, and everything seemed okay despite the long one-month rest for the October exam period.

But when the instructor started to introduce the Stride 3, which required the lifting up of a leg at each time and skating in longer strides, and balancing with body-swinging movements, we were like 'urghhhh'... Tough mann....

All of us did not fare well for this segment.... really need to put in more efforts and extra practices on our own to master this...

K can't wait to show-off his wet look of his hair... sticking down all over his head....

On 13 Nov, we learnt backward swizzle for our 2nd lesson. This move is not easy also; it's just like swimming using backstroke; moving backward, without looking behind and maintaining good coordination on your leg movements.

It really seems like from Level 3 onwards, the strides and skills are gettting more challenging for us...

Gotta find time during weekends to practice and brush up our skills....

November 12, 2008


这就是我们Farrer Gathering聚集的度假屋。

十八年前,我的第一次Chalet就是在这里度过的, 不过当时对这里印象不深,因为其实是妙玲的小学同学兼朋友聚会,她就拖着我一起来,顺便介绍她的朋友给我认识。 可是,记得那时在这个chalet里,我玩得并不愉快,因为大多时候都被那群朋友戏弄,拚命的把我和当中的一个大胖子凑合在一起,把我给弄哭了好几次。 Chalet 过后,还有跟大伙儿出去,我现任的老公便是其中一个比较谈得来的。。。所以这个Chalet该算是我和老公初相识的地方了。

如今重游此地,Chalet好相一点都没变,就连游乐场的设施还是跟以前一模一样。 Admin Office 前墙上写着这座度假屋是于1973 年11 月11 日开幕的, 哇噻!比我还老耶!

Chalet 的照片:

At about 10 pm, those who were supposed to stay in the chalet arrived. And from night till dawn (about 7.30 am), we were playing cards and gambling... I was declared the winner of that day!

We played various types of poker card 'Chor Dai Di', Indian Poker, BlackJack, Thai Black Jack and In-Between.

There were so much fun and laughters throughout the night, and around 4.30 am, our neighbour, a fierce fatso lady, was standing right in front of our door (cos' we kept our door wide-open) and scolding us for being so noisy and inconsiderate...oops!
You think we care? Of course not! We just gave her face and closed our door, and continued our loud laughings and shoutings and yellings! We would be ignoring the fatso if she comes and knocks on our door again! In the end, she didn't come at all.... maybe she got use to our noises as her lullaby....
On the Sat night, we had our BBQ. From 7 pm onwards, our friends started streaming in and I was glad that the turnout was well-received with 15 friends (13 Farrer, 2 spouse). The BBQ session ended around 1 am, and by then we cleared our stuff and adjourned to our chalet...
There were 8 of us staying back in the chalet, and our next part of the programme was to finish up the 12 bottles and another 18 cans of Tiger Beer. 3 of them went to bed, left the other 5 of us to play poker card games throughout the morning and by 8.30 am, we gulped all up... Hurray!

This is also my 1st time in life to drink so much beer and didn't get drunk! I was amazed with myself! Hahaha!
Overall, this gathering was a great success! And I am sure everyone who turned up had brought home with very good memories of the event!

November 2, 2008

Viewing of Exam Papers

30 October was the day for the viewing of GK's exam papers...

As seen in previous two entries of their results, GK has shown improvements in this SA, except for G's Mother Tongue....

Though it was a relief that both of them had passed their exam papers, but when we were going through the exam papers, we felt that they could have attained better results, especially in the Maths paper. The questions in the papers were not difficult, and both of them have made quite a lot of careless mistakes in the papers...

After some time of 'brainwashing' from Dad, GK seemed to understand and did feel guilty of their mistakes....

But anyway, they have done the exams, nothing much can be done to turn back the clock... just hope that they will do well for next year.

Now is the time to enjoy the holidays...

K's Results

G's Results

G's Reward - Most Well-Behaved Pupil in Class for the Day

On 23rd October, that was the last day of the exam papers for GK, the form teacher got the class to do a drawing on a big cardboard. It was a theme about 'Under the Sea'. Every children was supposed to contribute and complete the drawing of their ideal 'sea'.

At the end of the day, the form teacher wanted to award the drawing to the most well-behaved pupil of the day...

And G was so honoured to be awarded with the prize.....