July 30, 2011

what should i do....?

Have been feeling very depressed and moody these few days...

Sometimes it is really not good to find out things which my beloved partner is hiding from me... but the curiosity just can't help... it's just fated that somethings need to come into light, and let me be wary about...

dunno what to do...

forgive...forget...forgive... forget...

if were to pursue this matter...this is going to be the 2nd time in this year, and the no. 5th time for these past 2 years...

is it worth to pursue? From the previous past 4th pursuing experiences, it was always seems to be me at fault... and i have to forgive whatever misdeeds and lies that he has been doing and telling me...

he knew i am hurt... but why still want to do it again and again...

Lies lies lies... and covering ups....

Asking for forgiveness...yes... i can forgive... but I won't be able to FORGET....
So can't he just remember not to do it and hurt me again????

I am getting more emotional lately... in no time... i should be getting into depression...

whenever i think of it... i want to cry....

i need to see a counsellor or psychiatrist...

I need guidance and advice to help and guide me...

to teach me how to carry on my life........

June 29, 2011

Old Photos (2001 - 2002)

was doing housekeeping and found some old photos which I used to save in the 31/2 inch Floppy Diskettes...

Time flies, it has been a decade.... and my boys were really so adorable and cute-looking...

September 18, 2010

Updates on Megan

Visited Megan on 15 Sep... she had just turned 1 year old last week...

She's already taking her first steps and walking with hands holding on to the table or chair to assist her strides......

Quite fun to play with her at this time... especially when she crawled up to me asking for hugs and to carry her...

East Coast Park (12 Sep 2010)

Last Sunday, after sending MIL to the temple for her prayer session, we spent our morning and early afternoon lazing at East Coast Park.

We remembered having a kite in Dad's car, so decided to bring it out to play...

GK's first attempt to fly a kite...

At Comex IT Show on 5 Sep 2010

Was at Suntec City on 5 Sep 2010.
Initial intention was to go to the Toy R Us to get some Beyblade toys for GK, and later decided to pop over to join the crowd for the Comex IT show...

Dad took a long hour queueing up at the Starhub Booth for his mobile re-contract, GK and I were bought gigantic cotton candy and hotdog buns while waiting...

A signatured-hotdog bun for G...

August 26, 2010






August 25, 2010



